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painting interior


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January 29, 2002
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'98 X sport
i am thinking of painting my interior black with white accents but i have grey interior right now. i was wondering what u guys think it would look like with all black and white, but with grey carpet and seats. i cannot afford to change the seats and carpet so what do u guys think i should do?? ... i just don't like the grey the way it is with the little bit of black

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you could get seat covers, those wet okole ones are really nice, but r expensive.

same here, i want to put some black accents in my grey interior explorer. Id like to redo the carpet on the doors so it is black, redo do the vinyl on the doors so it is black, and paint the speaker grills so they are black.

If anybody has done anything similar, tell me how it turned out and if it is worth the effort!!


I noticed AutoZone had some really cool seat covers, looked like leather, but they probably wern't. They were for full size buckets, and were black with red, yellow, blue, or white centers. They were pretty soft, and looked like racing seats. They were on sale for like $25 each or something, I think.

You know that you can dye the carpet if you like with fabic dye. My friend and I did the interior over in 97 honda accord that way.
The interior was all beige
now its all gray and black
with new leather seats blk/gry
also we shaves the door handles of and put door poppers

I have repainted the already black areas of my gray interior twice now (once after some hoodlums tried to steal stuff and messed up the dash instead, and once just because it was 6 years old and faded), and have also painted all of my speaker grilles the same orangish color that most of the 1st-gen Ex Sports had in that plastic stripe that ran along the doors. It turned out excellent, you just have to be sure to spend A LOT of time masking the parts off. I just used regular spray paint for all the parts, it works fine. So far I have painted/repainted:

* Door panels
* Speaker Grilles
* Black accents on dash
* Cup holder
* Interior door handles/glovebox handle/console handle

and in the near future I will be repainting the truck and tailgate panels, because over the years they have become fairly banged up from stuff banging around in there.

parli22 - I think Putnam Valley is close to my school in Poughkeepsie, wanna help me shave my tailgate and redo my interior? ;) :p

I'm actually planning to do something similar, I'm going to get black and dk grey Coberau seats with the holes for the 5 pt harnesses, get new dk grey carpet (about $150 on most websites) paint the interior moldings grey with a brushed aluminium accents, the speaker grills will also be painted an aluminium color too.
But the trick to painting the trim, from what I've researched is to clean it throughly with alchohol and prepsol and then prime it and then paint it with interior paint that you can get off the web or at Autozone. It's a bit of a project, but I'm going to start doing in in pieces this summer. It'll be kind of funny when I'm not totally done and half the car is tan, and the other half dark grey. I havn't figured out what I'll do for the rear seats yet, I may try to get a set out of a wrecked Sport.

DasFrem - Good to see other people from Long Island on here. Where in Westbury are you from? because my Dad works in the 1-800-Flowers building (can see it from parkway) and do you ever goto DPA or bald hill?

Actually I only live a few blocks from the 1800Flowers building. I'm north of there at the intersection of Old Country Road and Merrick Ave(Post ave) I'm actually right behind the exxon there. I'm always outside working on it or washing it. I don't ever go on any trails since I don't have 4x4, but in a few years, (hopefully next) I'll try and get a same year Sport 4x4 to play with.

Originally posted by B94Sport
I have repainted the already black areas of my gray interior twice now (once after some hoodlums tried to steal stuff and messed up the dash instead, and once just because it was 6 years old and faded), and have also painted all of my speaker grilles the same orangish color that most of the 1st-gen Ex Sports had in that plastic stripe that ran along the doors. It turned out excellent, you just have to be sure to spend A LOT of time masking the parts off. I just used regular spray paint for all the parts, it works fine. So far I have painted/repainted:

* Door panels
* Speaker Grilles
* Black accents on dash
* Cup holder
* Interior door handles/glovebox handle/console handle

and in the near future I will be repainting the truck and tailgate panels, because over the years they have become fairly banged up from stuff banging around in there.

Any pics ?

These people seem real good to deal with. I bought this dye to go from the lighter blue to a navy blue inside my 92. I have the dye, but haven't used it yet. When I do, I will have pix posted on the "Projects" forum.

This is a penetrating color dye for vinyl and plastics (works on carpet too)


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As far as any parts that are plastic, I've already redone parts of my interior including the cupholder area, storage area, around the stereo, and the A/C vents. Krylon makes a paint called 'Krylon Fusion' that bonds to the paint so it would scratch or chip unless the plastic itself does. Worked great on mine.


I *really* want to paint my interior all white. I got in my uncles new Mercedes the other day which is all white, w/ white exterior - it looks sooooo nice.

I was always nervous about painting it because I thought it would look cheesy...? And about the carpet dye - would it also dye it white?

My uncles mercedes interior:


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you can go to Advanced Auto and get paint that will paint the carpet and seats

DX426 said:
As far as any parts that are plastic, I've already redone parts of my interior including the cupholder area, storage area, around the stereo, and the A/C vents. Krylon makes a paint called 'Krylon Fusion' that bonds to the paint so it would scratch or chip unless the plastic itself does. Worked great on mine.

I used krylon fusion on the doors and console lid, did the painting on mon. night, and it's still pretty sticky. The paint is dry and isn't really getting screwed up, it's just real sticky. Does this go away? Maybe I need to clear coat it?

clear coat is sticky too, I primed, painted and several coats of clear in my last car... I wouldn't go that far, honestly, just prime with 1 or 2 coats and then paint, just make sure you use paint that is recommended for plastic or you'll get nice little chips or bubbles..

I am new so please excuse me if this topic is dead but i have found that if you spray fusion on certain rubber parts it will remain tacky forever, and if you spray it in humid weather it stays tacky. Have you fixed this issue or is it still tacky.

This thread is probably REALLY dead by now, but in case anyone still wants to know...

I called krylon, and they sent me some clear coat paint to try over the tacky paint. I sprayed a couple light coats over, and it worked! The clear coat was not tacky, and also made the paint look less glossy.

I traded my Explorer in for an F150 a while back, and the salesmen did not even realize it wasn't factory. They were saying, "Man, that's a nice truck! I've never seen one like that!" They had no idea it was a homemade job.

Like you said, humidity will make the paint tacky, but the clear coat on top fixed mine perfectly.

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Here are two pics... I no longer have my Exploder, and these are the only pictures I have. You can see the painted upper parts of the door panels, and the painted console lid. I also painted the rear part of the console, where the rear vents and cupholder are, and it flowed really nicely. These pics are BEFORE I clear-coated the upper panels with the product sent from Krylon. After the clear-coat, the job looked factory, without such a shiny look. I was seriously impressed with how it turned out, and I'm planning to do some similar work in my F-150.

Hope the links work...
