Parking Brake light on dash | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Parking Brake light on dash


July 27, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Puyallup WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer 5.0, XLT
Afternoon all, first time poster, long time lurker.

Vehicle: 1999 Explorer 5.0, auto, XLT, AWD, 170k miles

Problem: Occationally when the parking brake is set, the light on the dash comes on. Most other times, when the brake pedal is set, the light will not. I have a Haynes manual and it doesn't talk about this at all. This problem has been around for years with previous owner, but I can't deal with it. I drove to the store and back with the brake on, and I'm not happy about it.

Where do I start for troubleshooting? Is there a switch under the dash similar to that of the brake pedal?

Much appreciate assistance with this like quirk.

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Off the top of my head there should be a pressure switch for your parking brake. Set the brake and try to toggle this switch a couple of times with your fingers, it could just be gummed up.

that or check your brake fluid..:dunno: i had a similar problem when i would brake the light would come on and when i hit the gas it would go off. took it to the shop and guy added fluid and solved the problem.

I'll check for a posible toggle/pressure switch near the pedal.

As for the fluid, it is completely full, or a hair over the max line. Brakes were replaced about 18months ago. Also, it has nothing to do with the application of the brakes to stop, it is the parking brake.

Thanks guys, keep it coming.

The parking brake mechanism has a switch on it which may have a short in it. I cannot remember right off my head but I think you have to replace the whole parking brake assembly... $200.00, but I am not sure. Check with Torry at fastpartsnetwork, or try Rock Auto.

Just checked with Rock Auto and yes, you can get just the switch... $30.00.

Thanks Rick, I'll check and see if that is the problem

Took a look around the pedal. Note to self, move the carpet so you can see everything. Now I feel like a dork, the little switch, which is clear as day and white in color, is now easy to see.

The "plunger" was slow to move and has some corrosion on it. Sprayed the favorite joint juice, worked it in, tested a couple times and it seems to be working:thumbsup:. There may still be a short, but for a temporary fix, this seems to be working.

Now it feels like I need to either adjust the parking brake or replace the shoes in the p-brake:rolleyes:
