Parting out 94 Eddie Bauer | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Parting out 94 Eddie Bauer

My truck is now officially dead. Tried to fix the tranny problem with a new TC, didn't work. So now it's time to call it a goner and part it out.

The truck doesn't engage in gear, and the transmission makes a nasty whirring/grinding noise. Thought it was the Torque Converter, replaced it, it wasn't the problem.

The truck has around 240k on it, and is fairly solid otherwise. Has normal rocker and wheel well rust, but the undercarriage is solid.

Truck is now being sold as one piece only. If you are interested please send a PM. It is not drivable but can definitely be towed. Would prefer to have it picked up, but I can haul it very short distances as well if needed.


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Can I get a price on the drivers side interior beige door panel, armrest?

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How much for the drivers seat? I know its rough but mine is worse. And also both interior front door panels? Zip is 64024. Thanks

I'll try and get a pic of that cargo cover the next time I'm out where the truck is.

The armrest you can have for shipping, fishnhunt18, but I'll see if I can find the pic of it to show you, nothing impressive.

The driver seat you can have for $20 kortneysdaddy, but I won't ship that. It would be expensive for you and would be a major pain for me to ship. The door panel I have a pic of somewhere, it does have some damage that doesn't really matter once installed. The door panels are also missing the door pulls. If you want it it's $5 plus shipping.

If you can get me pics, we might be able to complete a transaction my friend. Thanks.

Have you sold the front driver's door panel? Very hard to find. would ship to 72301 if still available

Alright, first I apologize to those of you I never followed through on. I've had a lot on my plate as of recent. But the door panels that have been requested for aren't really worth the money to ship them. They are partially broken already and with as brittle as they are will probably break more before they are even installed completely. Plus the armrests are gone anyways.

Since I haven't gotten a lot of other parts interest, I will proceed now with selling the vehicle as a whole. Anyone who is interested and can haul it away can have it for the right price. I will leave the price open since it is basically a junk vehicle at this point. Anyone interested send me a PM please. I will edit the first post as well now too.

do you still have the radiator? If so how much? shipped 62903

Do you have the interior carpet and head liner? And how much with shiping to 92532?
