Passenger Air Bag Cover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Passenger Air Bag Cover


August 5, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
La Conner, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
On a 1998 Explorer, does anyone know how to get the passenger air bag cover off on the dash board. There is a rattle coming from that area but I don't want to damage the cover prying on it incorrectly. Might be hinged for all I know.

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Drop the glove compartment door all the way down by squeezing the sides in , the air bag is bolted in from behind, disconnect the battery and turn the headlights and a few other things off and on and then wait a few minutes before unplugging it, and treat it like a bomb because it will hurt you if it goes off ,

Drop the glove compartment door all the way down by squeezing the sides in , the air bag is bolted in from behind, disconnect the battery and turn the headlights and a few other things off and on and then wait a few minutes before unplugging it, and treat it like a bomb because it will hurt you if it goes off ,

Thanks for the help.

Can't I just take the plastic cover off the front of the dash without removing the bag? That is all I am trying to do.

Thanks for the help.

Can't I just take the plastic cover off the front of the dash without removing the bag? That is all I am trying to do.

No. It's all one piece. It's very east to remove. A few 10mm nuts.
