People Like to hit me need new bumper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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People Like to hit me need new bumper


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Merrimack, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Make a long story short some one hit my in a parking lot while I was not around and took off. Now I need to find a new bumper. I don't have 600 dollers to spend at the local body shop. I plan on jerk yard shopping tomorrow. I have an 01 sport. Will only the 01 sport bumper hook up? Or could I use the sport trac front it or any other 01 front end? As long as it bolts up and does not look bad I don't care if it looks like the one it came with.

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You do not mention if it is the front or back bumper I was very successful straightening out my back bumper using a chain and a tree I planed to remove. Do not jerk your pulls it was rather easy.

Whopps, that would be a front. 2nd time its happened in the past 4 weeks or so.

don't know if a 97 bumper will work on a sport, but i have one for $50+shippin :D

Thanks for the offer. I may just do that if I can find out if it fits or not.

Im not sure that would fit.. a 2001 sport is a new body style. I dont think that bumper would even fit my 99 sport, but im not 100% sure on that. Wait until someone else confirms this.

that bumper style changed after 98, theres more plastic on the 99's and up, so i doubt if it would fit...ask a dealer or somebody professional

After looking around on line a bit I think its called bumper cover and not just a bumper. I think the new model ones may fit but not sure.

that is a great deal Ren. Some one should jump on that.

Yeah the 01 sport has a cover and is not interchangeable with any thing younger.

I did not find out until now that its just one peice. I thought it was two different peices, grrr. Waiting to here back from the insurence. If they decide on it its only going to cost me the 250 deductible. I called about 8 different junk yards and no one seems to have them. Cheapest I can find a brand new one is over 300 after shipping so may just go with the insurence and have the body shop fix it for me.

LOL, trust me I would love it but it does not fit.

You might be able to use a port a power to push it back into position. They work very nicely in tight locations and you have lots of control. A nice one would cost less than your deductible.

No, I was wrong its the bumper cover. The stupid plastic thing on the front. The metal bumper behind it is still good. The plastic is kind of recked for good. Its destroyed where its supposed to attach to te fender. As of now its only held on in the front.
