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Pics from Shiloh Ridge run on 2/21

:cool: Looks like you guys had a fun run, good pics John.

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awesome shots man wish i was there..:D with your warm weather and lack of snow

Nice pics John, only John can keep up with a SASer's. Maybe when I go back to Texas I can ride along with ya one time.

Great pics.. I am going ot have to make it out to shiloh ridge sometime soon.

Originally posted by Johnstone
If you are talking about Michael, he just drives it onto his trailer and takes it home. :D

But first he swaps in his spare and keeps on wheelin' :D

Originally posted by Michael
But first he swaps in his spare and keeps on wheelin' :D
And what a lovely spare it was. :D

Seriously though sk1er17, just remove the rear driveshaft and keep the truck in 4wd and drive it home.

I've driven over 300 miles once just using the front driveshaft. Not that it is fun, but it is doable.

thats good to know. Like i plan on buying some spare CV joints for wheeling this summer- i wasnt sure if that'd be enough to pull me through if the driveshaft goes though. But then again i dont plan on rockcrawlin!

Those pictures are insane:bounce:

cool pics. next time yall plan a trip, let a brother know. i could possibly make one. like i said in chat, a lot of guys from my area go there but they have booty-fab mud trucks, so i never really considered going before.

Originally posted by james t
cool pics. next time yall plan a trip, let a brother know.
Um, yeah, if we planned one. Michael let me know about it on Thursday afternoon. And like I said in my first post it was really a Southern High Rollers planned run.
But, it just re-affirmed with me that it is better to plan runs with smaller groups of Ford people. :D
It's fun to wow the Heepers with what I can do, but sometimes during the trip I had wished Michael and I would just have gone off on our own. :D

But, at least I did get to see a heep roll onto it's side. :D

Michael is one of the most craziest, well prepared wheelers I have ever met. It was always comforting when he was in the same group, if he didnt have the right tool to fix it, he'd be sure to beat it to submission till it did.
Rig looks good Mike, keep it up!

Sinjin said:
Michael is one of the most craziest, well prepared wheelers I have ever met. It was always comforting when he was in the same group, if he didnt have the right tool to fix it, he'd be sure to beat it to submission till it did.
Rig looks good Mike, keep it up!

Well look what the cat dragged out? How have you been Rod? Dina and I have been trying to locate you guys for awhile now. Email me your contact info.


There's another run to Shilo on July 4th, like last year.

Great pictures guys. I would love to do something like that. What do yall think about doing a trip to Big Bend?

BBQ_HotDogs said:
Great pictures guys. I would love to do something like that. What do yall think about doing a trip to Big Bend?

I wouldn't mind a trip down there. I here that all of the trails are pretty easy, but it would be scenic for sure.

I have been looking at allot of stuff aboaut Big Bend and it is beautiful. At least the pictures are, LOL. You think it would be neccessary to have a 4x4 or would a stocker make it or would you know? I think that it would make a nice vacation and get to enjoy some more of Texas. I really need to go there and see it before I get too coughOLDcough.
