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My Explorer is a Mess!


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2009
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City, State
Lindsay, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 ST Adrenalin
Mechanically: she is sound. I have no complaints about the mechanical workings of my V6 SOHC engine. I have done a few mods and have increased performance to a comfortable level for a college student like myself. With that being said, the truck looks to be a mess.

Keep in mind I live in Ontario, where we salt our roads like cavemen. Both my rocker panels are almost completely gone and since my accident, my passenger side dog panel quite literally shattered into rust. Oh, did I mention I got into an accident? I had to replace one of my middle side window pieces, my hood, my driver's side fender and door. Now I have a mismatched Explorer that looks very ugly. My rear hatch also has a lot of corrosion and rust right at the bottom. I to this day have not been able to find a piece that you can weld onto the bottom, replacing the rusted, ruined piece. My front headlight on the driver's side can move freely back and forth, after the accident, and though it's still able to light up no problem, I most definitely want to replace it. I had to replace one of my fog lights as well, as the other was totalled in the crash. Outwardly my truck looks near normal, no bad body panels and a few minor dents on either side of the body. The interior is immaculate. However, the cabin noise when waiting at a stop light is almost unbearable as there is an ugly exhaust rattle. By the way, are the rear heatshields made of fibreglass? I tried to bend it and it started splintering. Oh, my bumper is rusted like crazy and also has a dent.

What I would like is some guidance. This is my first vehicle and I essentially want to redo the rocker panels, that one dog panel, the rear hatch, a new bumper, new aftermarket headlights (and probably taillights too), fix the exhaust rattle, and paint the whole vehicle. I'm thinking Sunset Orange Metallic (WA633N/71U - Pontiac color) or Fusion Orange Metallic (56U - Pontiac color). Would the kind folks at Explorer Forum help give me some guidance on how they would go about reinvigorating my sick Ex? I'd like to get the body all ready to paint by springtime.

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I'm slowly refurbishing my ex as well. My piece of advice would be to check for good bumpers/headlights from a j/y. I have been keeping an eye out for a "new" rear bumper w/out a rust spot on it but it's hard. Just keep your eyes open!

you can use the rockers from a four door. you would just need a section of the rear doors to make the dog leg.

Oh, really? I had planned on buying new steel for the rocker panels, LMC truck has new ones for $40 a piece, and another online vendor had them for $30. I don't mind putting out a few hundred dollars for the steel.

On another note, you've refurbished your vehicle, vroomzoomboom, how was the experience? Do they salt the roads in Manitoba?

how was my experience when i did the body work to evil (i am/was a bodyman by trade, so i did it, not a shop)? there is a reason why i call my truck evil now!!! LOL. it wasn't too bad, nothing that i wasn't expecting either for that matter. i did how ever have to chop almost to the bottom of the doors off to get most of the rust off.

here are some of the pic's that i took of the bad side.














i did have to weld the front part of the rocker to the rear part (the body seam on a four door is different then a two door), and make a filler for the dog leg. is ordering a new rocker better? yes and no. yes, because you have new metal. no, because it will not go from front to rear. meaning it will not to from wheel well to wheel well which will leave you to have to make a panel for your dog leg. the new patch panels will stop about a inch behind your door. the down side of using a used panel from a four door is you have to cut it out, and it will take a while to do that, and you just might use about 5 or 6 saws all blades. I'm not trying to scare you, i just want show you what you might be facing that's all. and, yes, manitoba uses a lot of salt as well in the winter.

vroomzoomboom, would you be willing to assist me in my rocker panel conundrum?

don't know how, but if you want every pic that i have when i was doing it, i can email you them. i will try and help you out the best i can, but i will say this, this is not something for a beginner who has no bodywork experience.

Love the Canadian jack stands, Tim... :D

I don't know if I'd have the patience to put those together. I can rip apart my entire Ex to clean the carpet, but stacking wood for a jackstand would drive me nuts... :D

If I'm ever out Manitoba way, I will be sure to stop in to get support. I know some people out there I can stay with.

It's actually not so bad, the major issues right now are the rocker panels, two small dents on either side of the body, the mismatched body panels, and the corrosion I'm experiencing on the bottom of my hatch.

quit yer boobin'! it s a bit of rust, could be worse!!!:eek::eek::bsnicker:


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Just got my new windshield in. :D
