Pics from Woolys Offroad in TN | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics from Woolys Offroad in TN


Well-Known Member
November 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Nashville, Tenn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
Well me and a friend went down to Woolys offroad park in Lewisburg a few months ago ( i just now got around to developing my pics. we got there late friday night, camped out, and wheeled on saturday. this was my first visit to a real offroad park.

heres us settin up camp, and havin a cookout... about a hour after we finished eating one of the biggest thunderstorms came throu and we got completely soaked, even with the rain shield on the was fun thou

just getting everything tied down nice and tight, and airing down my HUGE stock tires...:thumbsup:

heres a hill i didnt know if id be able to climb...a lot steeper than it looks

thank you 4 wheel low...:salute:

a few views from the top


and dont forget, when your wheelin, be cautious of Turtle Crossings...those little buggers move quick!

All in all, i had a great time. Sure i dented a crossmember here...and scrapped my frame a bit there...but it was still an amazing trip. Cant wait to go on a few rides with other people on this site!

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Man i want to try to get out there.

How serious of a trail do they have there. It might be worth it.

Woolys is pretty cool, they have a few hundred acres of trails, and camping is free. cost is 10 bux for a day. they have a lot of trails, most are medium, to a few extreme. i stuck to the light trails, since i dont get my tires/bl til xmas. its like a hour drive south of me, prolly about 2 for you. i think there is another park not too far from woolys too...

If you ever get a chance to make it over to LBL, go. When I was in the Army @ Ft. Campbell, my buddy and I used to go wheeling over there all the time. Tons of old logging trails to ride.

whenever you guys plan on going again let me know1 i like at most 30 mins away from woolys

nah, I can't either

Well me and a friend went down to Woolys offroad park in Lewisburg a few months ago ( i just now got around to developing my pics.

Aside from the fact that this thread is ANCIENT... apparently this dude hadn't discovered DIGIAL yet... :D Developed...haha...what's that?

off roading in TN

To All the off roading fans in Tn. I live in Nashville TN and will be putting together a ride in the area soon. Please get back to me letting me know if you are interested. Also if you have any trails around the are you recommend.


Devildog make a new thread in this section about a run in TN and see what you get.

I am interested but who knows
