Msupertek's Pics From Gilmer!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Msupertek's Pics From Gilmer!!!


how is your winch mounted up front there? thats how i want to do mne. is that something that you did?

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Glad to see you all have loads of fun, wish I could have been there!

Thanx for sharing your pictures with us.

I almost decided to leave at 5am on saturday to make a suprise visit, but as I was getting ready I was feeling really bad so I wound up staying on the couch all day trying to feel better. :( :mad:

But I'm sure we can all get together for a final/fanally run on the Kingsland Slabs before we wind up getting kicked out for good! ;)

We need to start a slabs thread. We have less than a month to plan and attack the Slabs. Lets kick it off

I'm all for the slabs, this weekend was killer, still feeling the effects.

I hope to get my film to Walmart today. Then I should have my pics up in a couple of days.

What a great trip!! Barnwell is a fantastic OHV park and we will be going back.

BamBam took some licks this time out. First time to get body damage above the rocker panels. :rolleyes: You can't be the idiot stocker and still be too proud of your paint. I got bad scrapes on the driver's side on three different trails, Clyde's Ravine, Spider Ravine, and Fun Country. I also folded up the silly chrome thing that hangs between the rear tire and the bumper on Jeepy Hollow. The passenger side got nothing. (Tammy insists that is because she is such a wonderful passenger side spotter. :D She's probably right.)

Thanks to all the guys who led trails and willingly jumped on my back bumper whenever I got see-sawed. (GOT to get locked!) And special thanks to MSuperteck and MudDuck for bringing enough food for the army that didn't show up. :D


Hey guys if any of you need a window for the rear of your X, its yours because I'm cutting all that stuff off.

Truckmajic didn't one of your demon 4x4 guys need a rear left window??
If so as soon as I get it cut off, he can have it if he wants to come pick it up. Let me know.:D

Oh and I'm definitely in on the SLABS. Lets dicuss a date, someone throw one out.:cool:

The weekend of the 15th or 29th, paydays for most.

I'm down for the 15th

We're gonna camp right???!!!!

Originally posted by Msupertek

Truckmajic didn't one of your demon 4x4 guys need a rear left window??

Got got it for Vegas already, I'll be delvering it to them this weekend, then turn around and comming up to visit you then for the T-lok.

It was Michael whom needed the rear drivers side glass. Let me know if you still have it available.

Originally posted by Trckmagik
It was Michael whom needed the rear drivers side glass. Let me know if you still have it available.

Actually Michael already has his glass, but Vegas got broken into and needed the rear door vent window which I have here with Michael's rear springs too.

Well if they still need it let me know, I'm giving it away I won't have any use for it, anything I don't find a home for goes to the garbage.:D

Originally posted by Msupertek
...anything I don't find a home for goes to the garbage.:D

Don't throw away any of the glass that you can save. Folks are always looking for this window or that on the For Sale/Wanted forum.

You really gonna do the Explorer Convertable thing?

Any of the parts....

I'll take any of the parts that don't find a home. It's just a matter of time before I bust a window. Thought it would be this weekend down in that ravine. Are you tossing the doors too? I need a pasanger side door panel.

Thanks Rob

Ya I am really doing the convertable thing, I'm not sure if Im gonna toss the doors are not, I'll know pretty soon though, If I do I'll give you a door gofast.

Gofast, you sound like me... If any one wants to dump parts on me I will take them any day. I will take just about any thing. :D

Oh and talking about the Slabs. I am going to rip my Tranny out of the X this Weekend hopefully and get the New seals installed and hopefully nothing is too fried in there.

I will start a thread for the 15th at the slabs.

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i'll go... on the saturday.
