Pics of Lightbar Please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics of Lightbar Please

I want to get a light bar on my explorer this summer, one that mounts on the roof, like the KC or Carr. Any of you guys that have them, or something similar on you 2nd gens, could you post some pics for me. I would like to get a good idea of what it is going to look like. :)

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if you got one on your 1st gen lets see it aswell i want to make one and i need some ideas

I used the stock roof rack on my truck, cheaper and easier than getting an aftermarket bar.


It's pretty damn easy, I just drilled the proper size holes in the roof rack then ran the wires in through the door, not much to it.

Here are some close ups. It narrows down to 2 power wires, one for each side, and one ground. I run 2 relays under the hood. Now here's the cool part. If I need clearence (wheeling/garage) I have quick connects where you see the electrical tape wraped. I can take the bar off in about 1 minute and stick it in the back.



I'll have to admitt, lights on the stock roof rack look better than I thought they would, but I still think I am going to go with a light bar, probably from Carr. It also looks like I will be going with 6, judging by the pics you guys have posted. I want them to be spaced like Nitrous has, but all the way across my roof. Has anyone got an opinion on the KC Daylighter series? They look pretty good, are a good price also, but if they are crap, I don't want them. I would take the WARN H.I.D. over everything else, but they are way too much money for a couple lights! Thanks for the pics guys.

23 year warranty. The old style relays I had were replaced and now mine work great

The KC's are a good choice, I have 2 on my brushguard and man they put out some good extra light. Best of all they have that amzing warranty.

Just thought of a relating question. Do you guys have upgraded electrical systems when you are running multiple lights? Just wondering if you swaped out your alternators, or a bigger battery?

Not just for lights but the audio system brings it down a bit. I'll be upgrading soon because of that.

i have sense sold these lights...but i do have a optima battery(red top) and never had a problem.

If you look in my sig you'll see I'm running a 160amp and an overdrive pulley. At idle with everything and my brights on it holds voltage but just barely. I have to keep it at 1100-1200 rpm if I leave the lights on and im idling for a long period of time. IE night shooting in the canyon. :)

The stock 130amp alt would almost die unless I was at 2000rpm with the hella's, brights, and the lower foglights(arn't on anymore cause I kept taking them under water)
