Please help, I don't know how to trouble shoot this | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please help, I don't know how to trouble shoot this


November 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cincinnati, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Hey all,

2002 Ford Explorer 4.0 4x4

For a while now there has been a clicking coming from the back end. I have never been able to find it and it hasn't really been a problem. Seems to only happen when turning corners. I always thought that I would find it one day.

The last couple of days I have notice that the '4x4 high' light has been flashing on the dash every now and then.

I am concerned that these two things are related.

I don't know how to trouble shoot this. I am very handy but I am unsure of what is happening.

Can you folks please point me in the right direction.

Thanks very much. I appreciate any comments and suggestions.

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If your rear IFS, it sounds like a C/V axle is going out on it.

IFS?? Sorry I don't know what that is.

If it is my C/V how do I check to be sure? Can I open something up or look and see if I get under there?

IRS is what I meant to say, sorry. IFS is the front suspension.
IRS=Independent Rear Suspension.

There is an axle that has a accordion looking rubber boot on it coming out of the rear Differential leading to the wheels on each side of the vehicle. This is the C/V. They go bad often and need replaced. Check Rockauto (forum vendor) for a price.

ok.. cool.. I really appreciate that tip. I can do the swap easy enough I am sure. My question is, is there a easy way to trouble shoot the C/V see which side needs to be swapped out?

Which way are you turning when you hear the clicking?
Left hand turn = right side.
Right hand turn = left side.

A visual inspection is possible by just looking under the rear. Although it can be tough to see if there is something wrong at a glance. The innards inside the boot can be amiss and if the boot itself is still intact, removing it is the only way to tell.

OK. I will do some driving testing.

what would or why would the light be coming on then?

How long does it take to pull these things on average. I am pretty handy with a wrench.

Since I don't own a rig in your generation, it would be best for someone else with more experience help with the light and tear down time.

I can only guess it is detecting a separate wheel spin due to a bad C/V, causing the light to flash. But that is just a guess at best.

A c/v axle is a c/v axle, they all do the same thing and all are made similar. That is about as far as I can help you here.

Don't worry, someone else will come along and offer assistance. :)

thanks very much. I really appreciate it big time. I will grab a haynes book for my 02 and get ready to tear into it. Should be able to do it at the end of the month.

Still looking for details and tips!

dude, it's the limmited slip diff in your rear... buy a loaded differential and eithernyou or a mechenic can install it, problem solved........... it happpennned to meeeee

Thanks. I get that it is in the rear some where. The C/V or the diff. But... i won't just start swapping parts. There has to be a way to properly trouble shoot this so I 'KNOW' what the problem is, then I can take the needed steps to correct the problem.

Still looking for trouble shooting steps.


The only way to properly check a axle shaft with CV joints is to remove it, disassemble and clean the joints and inspect for damage. At this point you may as well just put a new one in. You can grab the shaft and see if there is excessive movement radially and axially. but this is subjective and there is no official means to say if one is good or bad.

OK.. that I can do.. I think I have the general idea of what to look for if it is the shaft but anything specific I can look for when I have it apart? And if it isn't the shaft what should I look for in the diff? Assuming that those are the only two things that this can be.

You can take out the speed sensor in the rear diff as well as drain the fluid and look for shinny material in the fluid. Bearing material will look like gold flakes in the fluid. Unfortunately, i don't believe that the rear diff cover can be removed with out dropping the diff. But if you can get that cover off and inspect the gears for damage.

I believe the rear diff on a 3rd gen has a drain plug. It wouldn't hurt to change the fluids. This way you can look at the old fluid in the drain pan for shavings.

Most of the time when a C/V goes bad, you know it. The boot is torn up from the insides ripping it. They can and do, go bad slowly. The clicking noise IS the warning sign.

Blown C/V


I am going to crawl under there this weekend and see if I can find any thing unusual. Do you think putting the back end on jack stands, going in neutral and turning things by hand would provide any details?


well from a crawl under and look things are super great shape. The stickers and every are still there. So nothing jumps out at me.

I had that problem with my 2002 Explorer there was clicking sound from my rear but i got more then just clicking sounded like i had mud tires on loud rubbing sound i got every little turn i did come to found out both my front wheel bearing's were bad & one in the back costing $1600 in repairs

I agree with jstorm001. I have a 2003 Limited and the back right wheel was clicking during turns and i just let it go and eventually the hub bearings went bad and i boke the lug bolts one night. Left me stranded and costed me 600 dollars at a machanic shop. Needless to say a simple ball bearings was bad and lead to this so check that out and best of luck and let us know how it goes and what it was.

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I know what it is.

Does the clicking happen at low speeds with both accelerating and braking?
