Please help with 4x4 and low range switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please help with 4x4 and low range switch


February 23, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Reno, Nevada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer Sport
Recently while driving in over-drive about a few minutes into the commute my 4x4 and low range light up very faintly. It happends on both the switches and on the dash. when I turn the truck off and back on. it goes away until I start my drive again. when they do light up they are very faint but you can clearly tell they are on. when I push the buttons(hoping to reset it) nothing happends it seems that something is messed up in the switch. is this an indication that I have a 4x4 problem? I don't use 4x4 so I'm not real worried but I don't want to mess up my baby. Please anyone help! Thanks!

I am not sure if it is the switch that is the problem. Does anyone here ever had a similar poblem? The lights are very dim and go off when I stop and restart the motor but then come back on again, no change in trasmission.

I know of two 94xlt's that have done that. Mine did it during a cold snap last winter but went away after the weather warmed up. Only the "low" light on both rigs. The other rig was in average weather so not sure that it is weather related.
