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PleaseBeLikeMe and xplorerdude96

you guys must have an address or last name or something. why not try calling him on the phone. he's only 16 so he's definately not the only one living at his house. someone will answer eventually.
you can check to see if he read your PMs yet. when your in that menu, there is a pull down toward the right just above the messages field. one of the choices is message tracking. take a look.

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yea i used the tracking quite a bit, thats how i knew he never read any of my other pm's, and hasnt read this one either

as far as name goes, im pretty sure his name is tim stone, he lives in farber, missouri, but i dont have an address

The money for the tires has been sent back. I don't ever remember Paypal sending me any kind of reciept but I can e-mail them and see if they can find something out for me. Like Soundguy01tx said.....not everything always goes smoothly. They could have had a problem but I can show you a screenshot of my Paypal account screen if you'd like that shows -395.00 to you.

As for the cd player and all that stuff. It should get shipped out this week. Nothing else you need to know about this transaction.

it should have been 450 and yea id like to see that, not saying i dont believe u, i just want my money, and to get this thing over with

just canceled my buyer complaint form for 400 becuase u said u ahve sent it, i just recieved my refund for 50 bucks, still waiting on the one for 400 tho

please post if it all is worked out here and in the transaction feedback forum thread.

400 more and this whole thing is over with, woohooo

are you saying you got it?

i got 50, he sent me a screen shot of his paypal, and it shows -395, so that should be on the way too

very cool. im glad everything finally worked out.

there is still a missing 395 out there tho, he sent it, on like july 30, and i still ahvent received it, i talked to paypal, and they didnt have much more to offer, i wonder if cancelling the pending transfer, then trying it all over again would work, what do yall think

hmm.. not sure. i've heard of people having issues with refunds before. at least you know he did try now!

I did three refunds in one day and it was pretty instant (within 10 mins). I'm thinking there is a problem. Although when I did it I had the money in my Pay Pal account so it went from $30 down to $0 and nothing had to be transfered from my bank account.

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