Polite request for proper grammar/punctuation! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Polite request for proper grammar/punctuation!

From what I've seen, a LOT of younger people (and this holds true for most generations that have come and gone) don't seem to understand that how you write and how you speak determine what people think of your intellect. You could be the most brilliant individual in the world, but if you write and speak sloppily, people will treat you as if you're an idiot. It never fails, teenagers always say "don't judge me for what I look like or how I speak", but the reality is you are judged on how you speak, write, and what you look like.

So, if you want to look like an intelligent individual, write and speak like one. If sloppy syntax, incorrect spelling and lots of slang and curse words are fine, you'll be treated accordingly...

That's exactly what I've been talking about. I know I'm judged by how I sound, whether I like it or not. I just wish the rest of my generation was the same way, because frankly, that's part of what makes my generation look so bad.

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Mike, me too? I see more and more people at a cash register who cannot make change even when they have the machine to do it for them. I often give them change when possible to cause them to give me quarters back. They very often look at me funny, and reluctantly count it and enter the amounts into the machine. I hate pennies, and I give 99% of them away, I tell them to keep them.

FYI, I am a mail carrier, and I hate postage costing anything other than a multiple of a nickel. I found a restaurant recently with a friend, they only list prices that are final and multiples of a quarter. You know immediately what the costs are on the wall, it's a Pizza restaurant. I thanked the owner for that business decision, he had been doing it for decades.

Next rant, can we get rid of the damned nine tenths of a cent on every gallon of gas? Who is being tricked with that waste of effort. Night,

Mike, me too? I see more and more people at a cash register who cannot make change even when they have the machine to do it for them. I often give them change when possible to cause them to give me quarters back. They very often look at me funny, and reluctantly count it and enter the amounts into the machine. I hate pennies, and I give 99% of them away, I tell them to keep them.

LOL, I love the stunned look sometimes I get too. I try to make change to give me less change, or change I can use at a parking meter, but they still look stunned. Like a deer in headlights.

there are 8 errors

I couldn't agree more! Finally someone that feels the same way.

Texting is fine if it's something that you don't need in immediate answer to, such as "Meet me after work" or something of that nature, but I see people (usually under the age of around 21) that carry on whole conversations this way. Why not just call them??!? I love my Nextel direct connect feature. It takes the idle chatter out of the conversation, and gets the person to get to the point quicker.
It's no wonder kids today have no verbal skills...I was at Subway today for lunch, and some moppy-haired doofus was working there, and rather than offering a polite greeting such as "Hello, what can I get for you?", he just came to the front of the counter and stared at me! I stared back. The staring match went on painfully longer than it should have, too. Finally, he mumbled almost inaudibly, "Whaddya need?". I just about lost it. But there were customers behind me, so I didn't rattle my order off like an auctioneer (like I sometimes do), but politely walked him thru the proper procedure to build me a roast beef sandwich, as he was having a bit of difficulty with the concept of me ordering a "12 inch" instead of a "footlong".
Whe it came time to pay for my sub, I gave him a $20 bill and he just handed me back a pile of change, not even saying how much I was getting back! No "thank you" or anything either...Just walked away.
I was just in a mood to screw with someone today, I guess. I have near zero tolerance for stupidity.

There was nothing wrong with my grammar, punctuation or word useage where you highlighted! Aside from the obvious error in not catching the fact that someone else found the errors I called out.

Pot, kettle, and black would have been four words, not three. :p:

not easy to see because it's all part of the lingo...;)

8 errors. Okay, so I'm not an English major...

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

As far as texting goes, I do it. A lot. My latest billing period with Verizon began on April 8th. According to Verizon's website I've sent 1151 and received 1143 text messages, and both numbers grow as I type this out. I try to use correct grammar, but once in a while I'll skip an apostrophe or use a sentence fragment. No one ever has to guess at what I'm saying and everything is spelled right (to the best of my ability anyway) though. But texting is good, for me anyway, because it allows me to keep in touch with more than one person at once. I need it because I go to school in Ohio and live in New Jersey and I can text friends back home as I sit on a bus or, in some cases, sit in class that is boring on that particular day. I like to think that the texting doesn't affect my actual communication skills though. As far as I can tell I can still have an intelligent, mature conversation with a professor or an interviewer.

And I judge people and friends by how they type on the internet and text too... It isn't hard to spell out 'you' instead of 'u' or 'because' instead of 'cus'.

That's good, that is exactly the way that woman was speaking that I heard the short clip of. What makes her's so bad was that, again, the statement was written down. She was reading from a piece of paper, she wrote the same way as she spoke. It wasn't a slight lack of sophistication, the woman was an idiot and yet had an elected position as a representative.

People in that area were calling in to the radio and TV stations that covered it. They wanted to know which district she was in, so they could avoid it or move away from it. So sad, school was not that hard, not 1st grade or about that level. Night,

Next rant, can we get rid of the damned nine tenths of a cent on every gallon of gas? Who is being tricked with that waste of effort. Night,

I was always confused with the 9/10 in the price of fuel. If a gallon of gasoline costs 3.89 and 9/10 per gallon, isn't that the same as saying 3+89/100&9/10? A fraction within a fraction just confuses me. Somebody please explain this to me.

Grammer Rule: I before E except after C and in Budweiser.

...or sounded as "A", as in neighbor and weigh...;)

Next rant, can we get rid of the damned nine tenths of a cent on every gallon of gas? Who is being tricked with that waste of effort. Night,

No doubt. It's not like they aren't raping now as is. What damn difference is 1/10 of a cent going to make.

... 3.89 and 9/10 per gallon...

That is virtually $3.90 per gallon. They think that people will see a big difference between $3.89 and $3.90, so they believe that $3.899 is tricking people.

I don't select one gas station over another because of one cent, or 9/10 of a cent. That began way back when gas was less than a quarter, so that was more like a 5% trick that people would not notice.

Agreed- I love to point out things like that to unknowing riders in the vehicle.

Also- people- cars don't stop with "breaks"


Gage or Gauge?? :)

hmm? okay... i have to find it.

i got borde, cars is fun, but writeing is funner :) i'm postin to it...

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