Possible New Explorer Owner - Need General Help First | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible New Explorer Owner - Need General Help First


New Member
November 27, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Hoboken, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 EB Explorer
Ok... so here is the ad:

1996 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer
AWD, 5.0L Engine
Averages 18.5 MPG
157,318 miles
Full Leather Interior
JBL AM/FM Cassette Sound System
6 disc CD Changer
Info Center
Rear A/C Controls
Rear Stereo Controls
Eddie Bauer Rear Headphones
Husky Floormats to protect original floor mats
Luggage Roof Rack

The following items were all recently replaced :

Michelin LTX M/S Tires - approximately 5k miles on them
Brakes, including new rotors
Shocks, front and rear
Front wheel hubs ($$$)
Sparkplugs, wires

Vehicle has been owned by us since ~40k miles and has been fully maintained with synthetic fluids in the engine and transmission. Last transmission flush was at ~120k miles. Truck runs extremely well, VERY reliable and dependable

Anyways.... the price is a steal, and I have known the person selling it for a few years now and we are friends. Every car he has owned has been kept in PRISTINE condition and has won many many many awards for other cars (mustangs) that he owns.

So what should I be on the lookout for in terms of the motor and tranny??? These are my most major concerns. Is there still a lot of life in her?

ThAnKs :) Mike

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I'm VERY tempted.

I know mustangs really really well, so I feel right at home with an explorer. I am just unsure about the milage and tranny, since these could be the only weak points I can think of. I mean, there is nothing wrong with the vehicle now.... I just want to have some indication that it remain that way and that these 5.0 motors or tranny's aren't going to die on me sometime soon.

I guess I am looking for past experiences...

Your gas mileage will be more like 10-14.

well our '97 5.0 AWD has 82k miles and it feels very strong. i think even a truck with that kind of miles. will prolly give you another 150k or more miles. the 5.0 and that tranny are very stout..treat them well and they will treat you well. the AWDs do go thru CV joints about every 70-80k miles(from our experance). otherwise i dont think there is much to worry about.

we get 14-15 in town and 20-22 on the highway.

Plan on future blend door issues unless this has already been addressed. Probably will need front end work (ball joints, tie rod ends) if not yet done.


Anyone else have some imput before I pull the trigger on this deal?

"I have known the person selling it for a few years now and we are friends. Every car he has owned has been kept in PRISTINE condition and has won many many many awards for other cars (mustangs) that he owns."

IMHO selling a car to a friend will test your friendship at some point. :frustrate

performancenut said:
IMHO selling a car to a friend will test your friendship at some point. :frustrate

I agree...
