Post the pics of your wheels here!!! STREET TRUCKS!!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Post the pics of your wheels here!!! STREET TRUCKS!!!

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It's (CobraXP)David's custom made bumper, very well done. He made less than 10 I believe, last year. Check out the wing he made also for them.

Damn, that's sick.

Thanks for comment. You should check out explorerxdotcom to see more explorers like mine not exactly like mine but close you know what I mean.

20" helo Kicks, 275.45.20 Tires

The only thing different now is Powerslot Rotors and Chrome Door Pillars


  • new photos 2-12-05 011.jpg
    new photos 2-12-05 011.jpg
    74 KB · Views: 10,183

245/40/18's on
boyd's magnetos
way more meat under the truck then my tiny 205/40's on the old 17's



245/40/18's on
boyd's magnetos
way more meat under the truck then my tiny 205/40's on the old 17's


That looks SICK layed out man. Awesome job. On bags or hydros?

it's on air...and thank you very much

ok i have looked but i cant seem to fined a kit to bag the front of my x. do one of yall mined posting me a link of pm me with a price you payd so i can know about how much ill have to spend

what percentage of tint is this?

The only thing different now is Powerslot Rotors and Chrome Door Pillars

What percentage of tint do you have on your Explorer?


I actually don't have it anymore I traded it in. Sold the wheels to my brother.

woah what size are those rims??? those look way nice man^ you may have just made a decision for me lol and where did you get that grille i havent seen the lower billett or the ones that cover the side vent things in the grille. also is it lowered? haha sorry but thats what im tryin to get my truck lookin like.

KMC BOFA 22's and yeah I had to get wheel adaptors to get these to work.

I'm almost done!!!


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great lookin wheels ppl..
i cant wait to start shoppin
for wheels for my sport .. =] -sino

What percentage of tint do you have on your Explorer?

A little late, but it is factory matched to the rear. It is just cloudy out. Whatever the factory used, i tinted the fronts the same

hvac911...your brakes!...they look so...... SO SMALL!...LOL

my X....


bigger brakes, bigger rims... i think someone's compensating... lol. just kidding, it's something we've come up with at work...

like me for instance
"hey, look at josh's truck, no bumper, i think he's compensating"
"look at stan's blazer, tinted windows, i think he's compensating"


......Yeah, I'm trying to compensate for the fact that the stock brakes would only last 15-20k...I've had these on for almost 10k now, and not a bit of ridge on the brake disc, and the pads still look thick!..

In terms of brake jobs, in parts alone I will be ahead in 2 more years......

Well worth the money/time spent to get here...


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hmm i suddenly want to compensate LOL...i wish i had large disc brakes :(
