power lumbar and side support problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power lumbar and side support problem


Active Member
February 25, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Milford, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Eddie Bauer
today i was on the highway and decided to add a little lumbar support on my power seat, after i was done fooling around to get it just right, i could hear the motor pumping, even though i wasnt pressing the button. i pushed the button and it stopped, but now it wont inflate at all. both the lumbar and side supports wont inflate. any suggestions of what i could check to fix it? should i check a fuse or is the motor shot?

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help? anyone?

thanks for nothing guys:thumbsup:

i guess sometimes questions don't get answered so don't get to mad....

what was the lumbar support you added ?? i thought that the seat came with that already....were you adding more foam or something ?

maybe the buttons on the side of the seat were activated from a mal-formed seat ( loose padding or material was activateing the pump ...my was kinda that way ...you got to move the flatened out leather to actually get to the button .

the buttons on the side of the seat i think are pressure operated ...meaning that they have a hose that runs to the button ,it's nota electrical button buta pressure operated one .maybe the line has just slipped off the button from the under side of the plastic cover attached to the seat .....may also have a leak and enough to operate / activate the pump but leak regardless and mean no action for the bellow to inflate .

a pic of the area you were working in would help .

hope this helps you out :salute:

alright, ill get a pic asap. i didnt actually add any material to the seat, i just pushed the button so the lumbar would 'inflate' i guess is what youd call it, but both the lumbar and side supports stopped working
