Power Windows not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Windows not working

Gaff It

March 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Springfield PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Eddie Bauer
Found two wires in the door, one is black/blue that seems to have separated from its wire mold/connector. The other is yellow and white that is broken. Both connect to the main window control. Oddly enough, by pushing back the rubber boot, I cannot find the connecting wires for the black/blue and yellow/white wires. Is it possible they were connected together? Anyone else experience this? This is on an 04 Explorer, Eddie Bauer.

Gaff, I have the same vehicle and I have the Ford Wiring Diagram book also.

If the wire is Light Blue/ Black, that is the main power to the switch controls via the Accessory Delay Relay. That wire should be continuous. It belongs in the connector C504a (8 pins total) in location #6 .

The white/yellow wire is sending an up to the front passenger window. It goes in the same connector C504a in location #4 .

Broken wires inside the boot is pretty common. Check the Door Ajar sticky thread for more info.

Thanks much for the info. Found the other two wires and made the connections. All four windows up and running again.
