preventative maintenance (transmission) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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preventative maintenance (transmission)


November 1, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 4x4
I was wondering what all I could do to service my Explorer's Transmission. Its not really acting bad, but I have put about 10,000 miles on it and dont have a clue when the previous owner serviced it. I am a firm believer in preventative maitenance. Any recommendations as to what type/brand of fluid should I put into my Explorer? How many quarts does it take? Also I figure there is a filter it under the tranny pan? Is that something I could get at a local autoparts store? Any other things I should address?

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First thing I would do is a complete fluid change as well as a filter change. Then I would add an auxiliary filter. Replace fluid with synthetic fluid.

Good luck….

ghange the filter inside the tranny pan and then go get the fluid flushed out.... it will probably not be cheap, but it is in my opinion cheaper than a new tranny

I agree with aldive. I changed my filter and flushed the fluid myself with cheap fluid, then flushed in mobil 1. I also installed a remote external filter. So far it has kept the A4LD gods at bay, still running strong.

I have a manual. Are there any preventative maintenance I can do?

Thanks for the tips..So is flushing the transmission something I can do myself? If so how? And what would I need?

Dead Link Removed from top to bottom and pay particular attention to the "Contributed by Greg J." section (last section).

Originally posted by fastcougar
Dead Link Removed from top to bottom and pay particular attention to the "Contributed by Greg J." section (last section).

Thats EXACTLY what I was looking for..Thanks Trevor! I didn't know it was that involved but I think I could hande doing that.

Hey TRAXX. buy a Haynes or
Chilton manual. Step by steps with pictures plus torque specs and preventative maintenance tips. all this for around $15 at your auto parts store. Some EXs use mercon and some use mercon-v. Look at your owner's manual for which kind. The standard job involves dropping the pan, changing the filter, putting it back together, and adding fluid. The kit will include a filter and gasket. The flush job is more involved- but gets out all the fluid that a standard job doesn't. Also, buy a torque wrench. improper torque will cause your pan gasket to leak and is a common mistake. First time you do this, lay out newspaper and have plenty of rags around, they will be needed.

I drained mine and switched to B&M trick shift fluid. Also add a B&M Shift Plus, shift improver. It electronically increases the fluid line pressure for firmer shifts. In my mind, firmer shifts mean less heat and wear. We'll see, but it definately feals better.

i love the trick shift fluid. i have used it before in other vehicles, and now that they have the synthetic version, i just changed my X over to it 2 weeks ago. great stuff.

Originally posted by fastcougar
Dead Link Removed from top to bottom and pay particular attention to the "Contributed by Greg J." section (last section).

That last part by Greg J. actually doesn't work. Just hook up to the one side and drain a quart and add a quart at a time through the fill tube.

My explorer won't suck up the new stuff from the clean bucket but it will drain out the old stuff.

Pretty easy actually.

Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it shouldn't work ... a buddy of my swears by this technique and has done it on MANY automatics.

If you are squeezing/pinching/blocking the flow out of the tranny like the first half of the link discusses, then you are building pressure inside the tranny and could be causing more harm than good. This type of pressure can lead to premature seal failure.

If your truck will not suck up the new fluid, perhaps you have another problem that needs addressing ;)

Perhaps lifting the supply bucket above the level of the engine would help? Like on a chair or on top of a toolbox?

B&M shift kit?

Is there one available for the 1996 OD transmission? I haven't found anything on it anywhere on the web. Got a part number?

I got mine from Summit. The number is bm or bmm-70381. Cost was about $40. You can double check the number and read up on it at
