Pro-M Mass Air Sensor Deal From Explorer Express | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pro-M Mass Air Sensor Deal From Explorer Express

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Anyone know what the prices are on the mac intake and the pro-m mass air flow sensor, for a 1991 Explorer? Also, do they do a package deal of some sort if you buy both?

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I am sorry to say that Mac does not make one of these for the 1991-1994 Explorers.

Quick question guy's

I have a 1997 x with the 4.0L ohv with the round filter not the flat filter if that maders. Does mac make a cold air intake tube for my baby i like that setup of the pic that rick posted.

Thanks guy's it's really apprecaited

Delfino Gabriel Mendez

We stock the Mac Intake for the 1997 V6 OHV

The Mac 3640 is $144.95 and in stock at Explorer Express


  • macintake3640wpro-mweb.jpg
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:D allright cool

Does that pipe have the hole to put that little air sensor in it. And what does the kit come with just the pipe???

I m really interstead in that pipe and the mas sensor.
I allready got the header high flow cat and 40 series flow master. And i have the k&n fipk kit and the 66m bbk TB and the jet chip but i toke it out i am going to get the apten chip. Should i get the Mac intank tube and the pro-m mass sensor beofore i get the chip??.

Thanks John V you will be hearing from me in a week or so to order the intank and mass.

Delfino Gabriel Mendez

Price still $224.95 through tomorrow? I see that it can be calibrated... I have a stock '94 but would eventually want the larger MAS and TB, intake, cat back exhaust, and maybe chip. I'll probably do exhaust and intake first... would I want the MAS calibrated to the mods I plan to do?

The main items that the MAF is calibrated for is:
-open air filter
-injector size
-supercharged or normaly aspirated

Hey guys i can't find a Pro M MAF for my SOHC 2001 motor it doesn't have anything but a 70mm one on there i can't even find the one Alex has or the chrome 75mm one. I ant to get what Alex has because i want to Supercharge mine soon when it comes out can you give me a link to exactly where it is thanks.

Hey Johhny

The 75mm Pro-M is not on our web site. If you are going to go with our supercharger we will fix you up with a Cobra Bore 80mm MAF that will be calibrated for the supercharger. Let me know if you have any questions.

John V
888-EXPLORER (888-397-5673)

Oh ok awesome yeah i am still working on the cash for the charger but yeah the 80mm one seems like what i would want with the Supercharger. I like the Mac Intake but i want something with a K&N Filter are there cone filters i can buy that are K&N that would fit it. Well thanks i will call once the cash is right. Oh and how can i go ahead and order the Pro M 80mm MAF that you were talking about. Thanks

You can order the Pro-M 80mm Mass Air Sensor now if you like, but it would be calibrated differently for the supercharger. So you would not use it until you have the supercharger installed. By the way, the cone filter on the Mac is very similar in construction and quality as the K & N.


I'am going to be ordering the Mac 3640 for my 97 4.0l ohv this friday.

I hade a few question:

ON the intake tube does it have the hole for the air flow sensor. I know it has the one that connect to the vavle cover but mine also has that air flow sensor.

the intake pipe is not listed (Mac 3640) on explorer express so should i just call or how should i got about this.


Delfino Gabriel Mendez


The #3640 Mac Intake is very new and is not yet on our web site. Give us a call at 888-EXPLORER (888-397-5673). It mounts to your stock mass air sensor & has the provisions for your the valve cover breather.

By the way, this #3640 should work on a 1995 with some fabrication.

Sounds great :D

I'l be calling you guy's on friday


Delfino Gabriel Mendez

Originally posted by JOHN V.
The chrome Pro-M is availble from Explorer Express for the 1992 Explorer. We do not have a supplier for the chrome tube on the early models at this time.

John V @ EE

Hey John V, I have a 97 5.0L with a cylindrical K&N filter, but it did not come with the tube. I wanted to know if I could get a tube that would help or increase airflow to the engine with the open K&N filter. Also, i wanted to ask about aftermarket Mass A. sensors since you guys were talking about them Would one benefit me with the K&N air filter and the possiblity of a new tube that would be more aerodynamic or slightly larger?


Hey Joe

Mac does not sell the chrome tube seperatley. There is debate on how much the smooth tube helps. It does look good and the Mac Intake does perform well as a kit. The biggest advantage is the removing the stock air box & installing the open air filter. The Pro-M 75MM will work fine with the K & N that you have. Let me know if you have any questions.

Air sensor

Would installing an aftermarket mass airflow sensor benefit performance or anything else? I was going to clean my stock one, however, I am wondering if you or anyone else would think buying a larger aftermarket one would compliment my open air cylindrcal K&N filter. thanks! Joe

do you have the 80mm sensor for the 92 4.0l ohv if so how much??

John V

Hi i had a question,

I just got the mac intake in today for my 97 ford explorer 4.0l ohv.

My question is i see a hole for the vavle cover breather but what about the air sensor that goes in my stock intake tube. There's no hole in the mac intake tube for it. Do i have to drill a hole and find a way to get the senor to stay in there.

Please help thanks,

Delfino Gabriel Mendez

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If you are willing to drill the hole, I will send you a grommet. Give me a call or an e-mail.

John V
888-EXPLORER (888-397-5673)

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