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Problem Solver


New Member
November 27, 2014
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Warrenton, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer XLT4X4
Hello everyone and thanks for allowing me to be a part of this forum. I am not too computer savy, so be patient. We own a 2004 Explorer XLT 4X4 purchased in December 2003. Vehicle only has 40,427 original miles on it. We have done all required maintenance/oil changes/fluid changes, etc. Truly, the vehicle looks like it is brand new. However, I need help with an issue we are having. When moving the car frontwards or backwards from a stop, the front end exhibits a shudder, a binding in slow speed turns and sometimes a noise from the front end. We have had this issue for a while but it is getting worse. We have been told it is normal with the control trac 4X4 option. The 4X4 works on the vehicle - engages and disengages. I am wondering if any other members have had this issue and how they got it fixed. I see from a Technical Bulletin some vehicles with an 8.8" limited slip rear axle may exhibit the chatter shudder, a binding sensation or a vibration during low speed turns. On 4X4 vehicles, the sensation may appear to be originating from the front axle or the steering gear. The bulletin gives directions on isolating the rear axle to verify if it is the rear axle and to replace the limited slip clutch pack. Before I take it to a dealer for them to try and figure it out, I just wanted more information so I can be better informed and able to follow the mechanic's/service advisor explanation. Thank you.

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Hi cargirl, welcome to the forum!

I moved your post into the section for your year Explorer. Hopefully someone can help you soon.

There is another TSB about the 4x engaging on slow speed turns. I'd go after that one first. Assuming your Ex isn't AWD, if so, then it doesn't apply. Dealer should know, if not, point it out.

if your tires are worn slightly differently it will cause the 4x4 to engage with turns. also check your axles, there could be contamination in the CV portions of your half shafts causing a binding or shuddering

i would pull the 4x4 fuse located under the hood and see if that changes anything, the set ups on our explorers are very delicate, so the simplest thing could cause the 4x4 to engage.

Yup, as others have said sounds like the auto 4x4 is engaging unnecessarily. Could be uneven tires, possibly a wheel bearing... probably some other possible causes.

You could pull the fuse for the transfer case. That's a quick solution... or do the brown wire mod so you can turn 4x4 on and off. I don't like the auto 4wd setup that Ford put in our explorers. Too much that can go wrong just so the truck can decide when I need 4x4... I'm perfectly capable of deciding that for myself.
