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Problem with remote start


August 29, 2007
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hey guys, i installed a remote start last week and am having some serious problems with it. it starts my car but will not dissengage my starter so it just keeps trying to start even while its running, i don't know what the problem is? i had another type in my car before this one and it worked fine...the new one is a astra 1000 let me know if anyone has any input thanks alot

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Did you have it professionally installed or did you install it yourself?

installed myself.... its not my first one thow i've done a few before i just cant figure out what the problem with this one is

I'd check the voltage on the 12v constant at the ignition to see if drops during startup. Should be a yellow wire in the steering column. There is also a red/blue wire in the steering column that goes to the starter.

yeah i have all that and it's fine.... is a great website to use for this stuff but it does me no good. everything is hooked up the way it is supposed to be i even ran the tach wire on this one so it when the motor is running and it still doesnt dissengage my starter

Hmm.. I'd wire a anti-grind starter relay honestly if you don't already have one..

Tach wire.
Check it again.
That's the wire that tells the module to stop sending a signal to the starter to disengage it.

That or get a real starter/alarm like a viper/valet/cobra. :p

hahha i was afraid someone may say that....they cost so much but maybee i gotta do it thanks alot....but just incase how do i go about wiring up an antigrind relay?

i double checked my tach wire and im getting a idle reading of 6.68 Volts and it increases when i rev the motor up to about 6.99 Volts... which means that I have the correct tach at a stump im thinking of jsut ripping out this one and buying a new one
