project paint the hood | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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project paint the hood

well living in Florida is great but the sun is always out there beating down on my truck.

so it has come time to pay some to paint my hood right? No!!!

as you can see in the pics below with my test area the shinny spot it looks a lot better.

pic 1 pass side with dent
pic 2 test site wet sand and clear no added paint
pic 3 the cloud test after rubbing compound added

so i plan on taking hte hood off clean the paint the bottom of the hood.

then i will nock flat-ish a small dent which can be seen in the first pic

and wet sand the top of the hood not to the metal but almost, dry and clean with tack cloth.

then paint matching green, then 3 or 4 layers of clear.

48 hours later i will take rubbing compound to buff it out and look good.

>>>does and one have any tips to help me???


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I'll leave the body work to MonMix... as for painting.... that I can help you with.

How soon do you plan to do this? I ask only because I am going to do a Diary thread on painting after the first of the year... may even start the preliminaries sooner than that... I guess my question for you is do you have any auto painting experience and what access do you have to an adequate air supply and decent painting equipment? I understand you are going to go with a base clear (a good choice). Any brand you prefer ? (I'm a PPG man myself since I have a really good local supplier). You have a DA sander? An Orbital buffer ? Any access to a booth? Let me know, and we can go from there.

that delamination is pretty ugly.
I would reccomend a chemical strip.
You can get " Aircraft striper " at most auto parts stores.
( hope I am not stepping on your toes Glaicer )

Any way, for the dent, check out my Body Work 101 thread.
Hood dents can eaisly trun into a exercise in cussing and vulgarity.
Hood sheet metal is thin and will warp rather easy.
I would do ALL the mud work by hand.
I really could not notice the dent in the pic.
The main key is to use a metal dolly to control the amount of metal you move.
Do not apply much pressuer when sanding but take it easy with the sanding strokes at to not generate too much heat.
Take your time on this dent more than any other.

MonMix not at all.... your are MR. BODYWORK and also MR. PREP in my book. Compared to what you do shooting paint is easy. If he strips it walk em thru proper prime and finish prep for paint.

and pullease NO fingerprints ! Arghhhh...

Glacier991 said:
I'll leave the body work to MonMix... as for painting.... that I can help you with.

How soon do you plan to do this? I ask only because I am going to do a Diary thread on painting after the first of the year... may even start the preliminaries sooner than that... I guess my question for you is do you have any auto painting experience and what access do you have to an adequate air supply and decent painting equipment? I understand you are going to go with a base clear (a good choice). Any brand you prefer ? (I'm a PPG man myself since I have a really good local supplier). You have a DA sander? An Orbital buffer ? Any access to a booth? Let me know, and we can go from there.

i plan on doing ASAP the only experience i have is spray painting flames on my old buick, lol.

i have air and a 10" buffer,
i can get a DA, gravity feed sprayer, and some other stuff

booth umm, it more of a garage then a paint booth ;)

but i was planning to do a low cost wal mart auto spray paint job, i know i will not get the best results, but i am not going to pay $300 for a crap paint job, and i am not going to pay $3,000 for a good paint job.

MONMIX said:
that delamination is pretty ugly.
I would reccomend a chemical strip.
You can get " Aircraft striper " at most auto parts stores.
( hope I am not stepping on your toes Glaicer )

Any way, for the dent, check out my Body Work 101 thread.
Hood dents can eaisly trun into a exercise in cussing and vulgarity.
Hood sheet metal is thin and will warp rather easy.
I would do ALL the mud work by hand.
I really could not notice the dent in the pic.
The main key is to use a metal dolly to control the amount of metal you move.
Do not apply much pressuer when sanding but take it easy with the sanding strokes at to not generate too much heat.
Take your time on this dent more than any other.

i saw you tread and got a lot out of it,
the dent looks like it came from a tool left on the engine with the hood slammed shut.

i am shooting for good enough, i mean i do not want the hood looking better then the rest of the truck, i mean the Ex looks good from 10 feet or more away.

does that help??????

Ah ok. Sounds like we are on different pages then. I'm no help on a rattle can paint job. I'll wait and invest my time in the Diary in January. If you haven't done it by then you can read it and see if you still wanna Wal Mart rattle can Paint job.

I painted my X this year. I did a write up called "old explorer gets new paint". It may help you out.

Uncle meat's, write is is really good, I followed his work and painted my X.

well 1st is was after 800 grit wet sanding, and 2nd was after primer, when i took the photo it was not dry, it dried nicer, smoother.


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