Proper intro w/pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Proper intro w/pics


April 29, 2011
Reaction score
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Palm Harbor, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ok, here's my 900 dollar beater. Not cleaned at all inside probably in it's whole life. (I will fix that.) 143K miles. Odometer works when it feels like it, so who really knows the miles. Issues:
1) A/C blows out of dash/defrost, but after registering here i know where to go to fix.
2) Window motors in front need new bushings. No problem, did it in the Mustangs I had
3) Check engine light and ABS light. Hmmm ODD I, so no code reader per say. Im gonna start at tune up, new O2 sensors, unplug battery for awhile and go from there
4) Think needs new T-stat, but I've already bought one.

Light under hood still works! Struts that hold back lift gate still charged. Rear wiper still sprays fluid!!!!! Shocked at that one. Now, onto the pics.


That's my POS Chebbie next to it. Wish it would just catch on fire or somethin.


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I was given a free head unit and two speakers. I am also going to be given an amp to run the four door speakers and I already have a 10" woofer with an amp already.



The POS that came out of the truck. Going straight into the garbage!


G'day. Look's like you scored a bargain, cant go wrong for 900 knicker:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

thats a sweet deal for 900, and it looks like a fun project. so far you didnt mention anything that sounds like something that would be a pain to work on like phantom tranny problems, timing stuff, frame problems. the engine looks like it has your requisite leaks and the interior looks like a good challenge. have fun.

Was originally $1100, but she immediately went to 900 as soon as I walked away when the AC blew out the defrost instead of vents. (Knew it wasn't going to be a hard fix anyway)

Interior: The color is atrocious, the carpet is friggin nasty.

Mod's: Hmmmm, good question. How bout none. Money is stupid tight. I've had my share of "toys" and the performance bug is quenched for now. Stereo inside, and get it running like a charm is what my goal is. Ok, maybe bigger wheels/tires. Stock Ford will be fine with me. Headliner I'm not going to even worry about.

sounds like a plan Keep her clean and simple, looking for a little project like that myself, so then my chick could have a nice running EX.
