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Proud new owner

Tring Man

December 27, 2006
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Northface
Picked up 1997 Ex with just 47k on clock this afternoon from Duncan Clarke (guy in Aylesbury who replaces the timing chains). No history on it at all, but also no rust, good interior with everything working, and having had the front chain changed and the rear chain checked out by Duncan.

Couple of things I do need to do though, need a rear load cover (do these come colour coded to seats, i.e. grey), I'll keep an eye on eBay.

Brakes squeal, sounds like rear, any known issues ? Will get Quickfit to check brakes tomorrow.

Need new wipers, can you get these from Halfords ?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Overall, very pleased so far.

:) :) :)


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He's the guy that did my engine when it went splat!!

I used the old wipers off my granada... the work ok...

as for kwik fit, they wouldn't touch mine...

There was a load cover on ebay last week actually..

nice one


i also had the same problem getting brakes from kwick fit. I ended up going to another place.. this is because they dont have ford explorers on there computer parts system and therefore cannot order the parts from there suppliers.. If you are a dab hand with an allen/hex key and have a spare 20mins they are very simple to replace. Remove the wheel then the caliper (whiech is held on by only two bolts allen key/hex bolts) replace pads then put back together.

You can get the pads from ebay also, so if all fails just get the pads from ebay and take it to kwick fit for them to fit.

Also do them at a good price


Formula 1 Pit Stop

Took Ex to Formula 1 in Aylesbury today, right next to where I bought it from Duncan Clarke, really friendly guys. Checked all the brakes (wheels off), pressures and tracking for free. The disks are getting worn as well as the pads, all disks now "lipped", the disks being below the metal surrounds, about 6 months life left. Will replace them later in year when I've paid off some of the current debts buying the car.

Got front wipers at Halfrauds, no problem, although supplied rear did not have the correct fitting, so had to just replace rubber. All good now though.

;) ;) ;)

I need to get a back wiper for mine actually, I think I'll wait till I goto back to Liverpool in few weeks, I get staff discount at ford's up there so I'll get one then...

Glad it's all coming together

