Puddle Lamp Bulb replacement 2006+ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Puddle Lamp Bulb replacement 2006+


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2008
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City, State
Milwaukee, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
This isn't a true emergency just have very limited time to get this done so I am hoping for a quick reply. How do you change the puddle lamp bulbs on the 2006+ mirrors? I see a tab that I can get a small flathead in but only the tab bends? It does not release the plastic to change the bulb? Can anyone help me out. Owners manual tell you how, I dont have a owners manual? Please help asap!

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I figured it out.......

And . . . . ?

take a very small flathead and place it inside the small opening in the lens. You have to work it way up there to pop the tab for the entire housing not just the clear lens. The whole housing pops off and you can remove the wiring harness.

Are you tinkering with my mirrors?? LOL :p

ok..anyone know which bulb it takes? I looked in the manual and I cant find the bulb type/name or whatever...
