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Put my order in!!

Hey I'm assuming that for the body lift you're going to use a Ranger body lift. If so, what year and how much is it going to cost you for fabrication and installation.

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I hate those rear tyre carriers, had one my Bronco way back when, noisy squeaky and in the road all the time, good luck, I'm sure they're better 20years on

Yeah, I'll post some pictures up when it's done, I'm actually making my own.
I've got access to a full metal shop, should be interesting. ;)


Hey I'm assuming that for the body lift you're going to use a Ranger body lift. If so, what year and how much is it going to cost you for fabrication and installation.

I'm using the lift from the 98-00 rangers, the steering adapter is compatable, but I'll probably need to fab up all of my bumper brackets.
About $200 cdn for the kit, and I'll be doing the work myself.


Alright, thanks, and by the way you're truck looks INCREDIBLE!!

Nice lookin X! I def like your choice in rims, I put the same on my 01 X Sport. Im starting to see more and more people put the DC-1's on their trucks, almost enough to start our own club....lol.....any ways, nice truck

Haha, the DC-1 club, there we go.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Ghurst10 : I'll make sure to get some pictures while i'm doing the body lift and keep track of any issues/challenges I run into.
Cause we sure need a writeup on here for it.
I'll keep you posted.



Haha, the DC-1 club, there we go.
Thanks for the comments guys.
Ghurst10 : I'll make sure to get some pictures while i'm doing the body lift and keep track of any issues/challenges I run into.
Cause we sure need a writeup on here for it.
I'll keep you posted.



Thanks, that would definitely be helpful. My ex already has a 2.5 inch front coilspring lift and a 1.5 inch rear lift, but still want that extra bit of lift to really make it stand out. Good luck with the body lift. I can't wait to see the final product.
