Putting on a GT emblem | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Putting on a GT emblem

I have both the "Moab Edition" on the tailgate and "Supercharged" decals on the front fenders. And they both get a lot of attention from passing motorists and auto professionals. However, both are accurate badges. I do think if you have a 5.0 or 4.6 modded X that a GT or similar badge is ok, but the vehicle should live up to its advertising.

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Lord knows I TRY to live up to it...I've yet to back down from a race yet, even when I get my @$$ handed to me.

I just put on the GT today, along with new SPORT lettering (for some strange reason my X didn't come with it or it got removed before I bought it, who knows). I put the GT slightly under and to the right..I think it looks pretty sharp, but hey, that's me.

Took some new pictures, as soon as I get them developed I'll try and post them.......somewhere....

As for the rest of you pervs-who have me ROTFL- the only pics you're gonna get are of my X! Besides, I only do the topless thing in my own house, lol

Spas, that visor is still bothering me...

Still bugs me too, but I don't feel like putting bondo over the holes that would be left behind if I took it off........
>lazy< You did notice that it's the newer visor, right? Speaking of crappy pictures, can anyone recommend a good site that will let me store my pics and post them on here?

Hmmm...that's funny...I was positive that I posted a picture on here. Maybe it got erased or something. Oh well, I'll just post it again ;)


  • bjrear.jpg
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spas, you are an elite explorer... you can store 10 megs of pics on the site

I've added a AC Badge to mine just above my Explorer emblem and I never have got a comment about it yet, I'll take a pic tomarrow and post it.......

Well, yeah, but I just thought I'd post this one IN this forum instead of leaving things hang :D

I must be losing my mind or something...maybe I started a second thread on this subject? hm....

Since I've dragged this sucker back out into the light, I may as well do a follow up, since it's been half a year..

I had two kids in a Cobra pull up behind me in a parking lot and both of them fell for it (quote the younger one "Damn dude! I didn't know that Ford made Gt Explorers! That is my next car there!") I thought it was pretty funny :cool: Other than that, nada. I still get challenged at stoplights (and I still kick :mattmoon: ), but no one has commented on it (except for the nuts that I went offroading with up at Paragon, but I think they all like it). Well, no comments to my face, leastways.

thats cool spas. i'm glad its working well for you.

it seems that people always think that my truck is "real" even people at auto shops, and car audio places. i just think its funny, 'cause people should know better. anyways, maybe that means people are stupid, or maybe it means that my truck looks and sounds like it could be and svt. i really don't know or care which one it is, 'cause i like it. whats funny is people with random badges on their car generally really bother me and i hate to see "fake" type r's etc. yet i have the same stuff and i like it on mine.

that turned out well, looks like it belongs on there. I really like what you did with the 5.0 emblem expo. (it is you that did that isnt it? replaced the V8 square with the 5.0 off a 'stang?) I would love to do that myself, and it wouldnt be improper badging cos I really do have a 5.0 heh... evne if it does take 14 sec to get to 60 and gets 9 mpg

Good work, may I ask how you got it on there? and if you had to remove any other emblems in that spot?

actually i have cobras in place of the v8s on the sides of the truck, a EXPLORERsvt emblem on the left rear and a 5.0 in place of the oval on the right rear. i really like the 5.0s too, but i just decided to go all out.

What ya think?

tacky or not


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bobby locs, what does that sticker say? i cant see it too well.....

nice licence plate. next time blur it out. i could call the police and say that your car did something and you's get in trouble but i wont do that to ya.

Originally posted by Digger196
nice licence plate. next time blur it out. i could call the police and say that your car did something and you's get in trouble but i wont do that to ya.

why blur it out? i never blur mine out... go ahead and call the cops.... i will get a ticket, maybe..... unless you are willing to go to court and testify against me it will get dismissed.... guess what happens to jerks like you that perjure themselves in court?..... they get boyfriends named bubba.... if that will float your boat... go for it.... my license plate number in California is 3KNR498

Here's a close up


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what is AC?

air conditioned?


Naw its AC Autotechnic, its the Cone Air Filter that I use

or like I like to say Allways Cool (open Hood Scoops) or All Custom

saleen wing...

where can I order that wing that everyone has on the back of their "sport" trucks?

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good thing yo usaid that.. cos I still cant read it lol

looks good, you can tell its not a factory emblem cos of the font.. but who cares, I like it :p

I wish my mountaineer badges on the back weren't black stickys.. I would rather hve chrome badges.
