Question for those with the 2002-2005 V-8 engine... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question for those with the 2002-2005 V-8 engine...


Active Member
December 3, 2005
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cleveland ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Permier
on the 2002-2005's V-8 engines, do any of you guys noticed the engine sounds like a little rattly when you step on the gas? It doesn't sound like a smooth engine as the V-6 engines do in these things.
I'm on my 3rd different dealer after not believing the other two dealers saying this is a characteristic of this type of engine only with the V-8's. I was suprised to have the 3rd dealer also say this to me.
I had a chance today to pull up next to another Mountaineer today with the V-8, I put all the windows down and waited to hear what his sounded like when the light turned green, and it did not sound like mine, his was more smooth running aound.

Any thoughts? The sound acually sounds like its coming from under the truck?

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Mine doesn't sound like its ratteling. If its under the truck, maybe its your cat or a u-joint?

I has a similar Rattle. It turned out to be a tension adjuster on the timing belt. It sounded like it was coming from under the driver side. I thought it was a leak in the exhaust system. It happened in reverse also.

I hope you do not have the same problem. It was a big job.

Mine had a rattle under similar circumstances and it turned out to the the torque converter. If you raised the idle while listening under the chassis it came from the rear of the engine/front of the trans.

My dealer did NOT determine this. He first replaced the top end of the engine (under warranty of course.) My local reliable mechanic listened to it and said it sounded like the trans or tq conv. I took it back to the dealer and they did the tq conv. All better now.

Good luck.

keith h said:
Mine had a rattle under similar circumstances and it turned out to the the torque converter. If you raised the idle while listening under the chassis it came from the rear of the engine/front of the trans.

My dealer did NOT determine this. He first replaced the top end of the engine (under warranty of course.) My local reliable mechanic listened to it and said it sounded like the trans or tq conv. I took it back to the dealer and they did the tq conv. All better now.

Good luck.

did this rattle also make this noise in park and in netrual stepping on the gas?? Mine is very quite when its in park and netrual, but when you shift into drive or reveres thats when this rattling noise starts to happen?

Any thoughts? I'm so tired of dealers tellign me its normal when I know its not

I could make it rattle by sitting in park and tapping the gas to raise the revs.

I guess you could approach a few V8 owners and ask them to hear their engines.

I am having the EXACT same problem as all of you with my '03. The dealership is claiming its normal and gets WORSE in the cold weather! I'm no idiot when it comes to cars. My truck sounds like crap! It's so embarrassing!

To owners of Explorers with the torque converters that were replaced and it improved symptoms....What did the service tech say was causing the rattling noise in the older torque converter?

I am curious if it is just a noise or could something turn loose and ruin the trans????

Charles Carter

no idea what your noise is, but wish you luck.

My 02 V8, bought new, now with 93K miles makes no unusual noises (yet). I do have the front sway bar bushing squeak (not confusable with an engine noise), and had a heat shield that broke loose at one mounting bolt (woke up the neighbors, that one), but other than that, quiet as a church mouse.

Let us know what you find. I am scared of the potential to have to someday replace the timing chain/tensioners.

I might also consider searching to see if there's a TSB for that particular issue, too. I also would never equate 'rattly' with 'ok' - keep after them.

