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Question on modifying 4X4


New Member
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
I have 96 4.0, I am not satified by its 4WD, it has a Auto 4WD, a 4WD Low and a 2WD.

Here it snows heavily in winter, I did feel unsafe when I drove with Auto-4WD in snow, I am now thinking about adding a 4WD hi to my truck, hopefully I can have it done before snow falls.

I have a question about the front wheel egagement when it is in Auto-4WD, I know for 95 and 96 models, they have transfer case and vacuum actuator, Controlled by the GEM, the transfer case and vacuum actuator have to be both engaged in order to transfer torque to front wheels in case of slippage is detected.

My question is which one is constantly engaged in Auto-4WD mode, and which one is only engaged when slippage is detected. I want to apply a constant drive sigal to drive the one that is only engaged when slippage is present in Auto-4WD mode, I guess by doing that the front axle will get torque regardless of road conditions, so which one should I work on, the transfer case or the Vacuum actuator?

Thanks a lot
