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Question to the Smart People


August 12, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Lenexa, Ks.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
So, have this rattling noise right when i turn on my vehicle. It sounds like just loose metal and only makes noises when i start the truck cold and turn the steering wheel. So i check under the truck at the cat's heat shields. Not it, what might it be? Its a 99 xlt sohc. Anyways, i think I saw 4 02 sensors, 2 b4 the cats and two after on each of the cats. I have 2 cats obviously. And, is it mysterious that the rear diff is looking a little oily? I dont know, but if anybody could get back with me, that would be great.

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I'd say it's time fo rthe delaer to check it out under warentee.

Check out the cat sheilds. Sometimes they get loose and make a lovely sound. :) Other then that I can't think of anything.

Does the rattle go away after a miniute or two ? If so it might the cam tensioners , they are under extended recall . Goodluck .


The rattle only sticks around for a few minutes. My 99 is not included in the recall, they supposevely fixed it after the 97-98 year.

If all else fails I'd still think cam tensioners...even though they're "fixed".

My 97 has almost 100K on it and my service guy just went ahead and replaced them with the upgrade even though they hadn't made any noise yet. Good guy.

Man I look stupid! I re-read your post and it says you did check your cat sheilds.... DOH! LOL Well ignore my advice then. Although I would start it up and just climb all over under over and beside it to see if you can locate where the noise is coming from.

I think I figured out what the noise is on mine. There are two exaust pipes running into the front of my muffler, there is a clamp in the middle of one of them, but the other don't have one... I think I lost it at Attica two weekends ago. The pipe wiggles alot when it is cold, but it expands so much when it is hot that it is tight.

Re: Noise

Originally posted by xplorgee
The rattle only sticks around for a few minutes. My 99 is not included in the recall, they supposevely fixed it after the 97-98 year.

Uhmm, yes your '99 was included in the recall. All SOHC explorers and sportracs built through 4/00 were included. I can e-mail or fax you the actual letter if you never got a copy. It probably isn't your rattle though. Just want to make sure that your dealer isn't trying to pull a fast one on you.

Nope, that wasn't it... It rattled again when I started it this morning. Where is the heat shield everyone keeps talking about and can I check the cam tentioners? I bought my '99 used so I have no idea if that recall was fixed or not.

The heatr sheilds are on the exhaust in front of and behind the cats. it also is around the's all over..just go under there and check all the sheilds out. ALso to find out if the recall was done just bring it to a ford dealer and ask them to do a search for any outstanding recalls on your VIN number.
Good luck!

Originally posted by 95XLT
The heatr sheilds are on the exhaust in front of and behind the cats. it also is around the's all over..just go under there and check all the sheilds out. ALso to find out if the recall was done just bring it to a ford dealer and ask them to do a search for any outstanding recalls on your VIN number.
Good luck!

That is what I thought... I checked those all last night and found one on one of the pipes that a rock had hit and had the weld broke off one end, so I just removed the whole thing. I guess it must be the cam tentioner then. I am going to give the dealer a call and see if they can look it up for me... thanks.
