Questions about 4.0 SOHC/ECC-V computer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Questions about 4.0 SOHC/ECC-V computer


New Member
October 30, 1999
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City, State
Grapeland, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT 2WD
I'm considering using the 4.0 SOHC/5R55E combo in a project I'm building, and was wondering if the 'engine computer' would start/run without the GEM attached?


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I'm almost positive it will.

yes. you shouldnt have a problem.

yes it will but not without the PATS attached if its a 98+

Using the factory ECU, you'll either need to attach the PATS (which is included in the instrument panel) or modify the programming of the factory ECU to bypass the PATS (It can be done, but outside of a vehicle, it's gonna be costly).

My suggestion would be to run an aftermarket ECU. MSD makes a decent one, as does MoTec. Both are infinitely tune-able and give you full and complete control over every aspect of the engine.

-Joe should cost him appx $500 or so shouldn't it? The price of a tuner and the tune. Just upload the new tune when you're ready to start the engine for the first time. should cost him appx $500 or so shouldn't it? The price of a tuner and the tune. Just upload the new tune when you're ready to start the engine for the first time.

I'm honestly not sure... What does the ECU need in order to take the load? Can you wire the OBD port without the PATS and everything else connected to it in the first place? I have no clue... Some of the hard-core off-roaders that have stripped and tubed their chassis might know more about that...

