Radius arm bushings...is this right??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Radius arm bushings...is this right???


Well-Known Member
December 12, 2004
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Kitchener, Ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
91EB, 91EB, 92XLT
I went into PartSource(I'm in Canada, eh?) and asked for the radius arm bushing kit. He tells me its 27.99...

At first i was like WTF? It's only like 10.99 in the US. They didn;t have any in stock so they ordered one. I got there the next day and opened the box...

This "kit" only does one damn side, so I have to get them to order another one.

Thats $64 in radius arm bushings...

They bent me over like a cheap hooker didnt they?

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that exactly same thing happened to me, 27.99 on the dot. They seem expensive. I went to napa autopro, and it was a dollar more. so expensive for bushings, i say.

About 4-5 years ago I paid about $35-$40 per side from the Ford dealer. I called several Ford dealers and they were all around the same price.

$10.99 here in the U.S.? Where do you get them for that price?

I have a place locally that has them for $18.99USD per side. Installing a pair this weekend.

A set of Moog heavy duty, for both sides, included the metal washers and nylon one too, was $35, tax included, at O'Rielly.

i got mine at autozone for less than 20 bucks - box came with 4 bushings, rounded washers and grease pack!

I got the moog set as well for about $40 here in Calgary from Parts Unlimited. I try to stay away from Partsource (no offense meant by it) unless there is something I know specifically I need.

yea here in the US the raduis arm bushings are about 15 - 20 dollars depends on which store and youll get each passenger and driver side polyurathane bushings with the washers that are needed...Auto stores always charge more than there really going for...you should of checked online first since you had to get them shipped anyways (www.jamesduff.com)

I just got mine in and putting them on in the weekend and i was wondering if there is anything i would need to know when installing these....any pointers

Vanquish502 said:
I went into PartSource(I'm in Canada, eh?) and asked for the radius arm bushing kit. He tells me its 27.99...

At first i was like WTF? It's only like 10.99 in the US. They didn;t have any in stock so they ordered one. I got there the next day and opened the box...

This "kit" only does one damn side, so I have to get them to order another one.

Thats $64 in radius arm bushings...

They bent me over like a cheap hooker didnt they?

They bent you over like a cheap Canadian hooker
