radius arm drop brackets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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radius arm drop brackets


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2007
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snohomish, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
can anyone tell me how these mount?

they are rough country 6" drop brackets.

i dont get how these mount up,

can someone help or even better, pictures of them installed?



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You have to cut the old ones off.( mounted with rivets)
Then drill and bolt the new ones on!


how do the radius arms mount to them though?

and what one goes on what side?

It drops the whole radius arm crossmember. Can you get a better pic of those mounts, it looks like ones missing a portion of it. I'd snap a pic of mine but its dark and all I have is a camera phone.

i always look for pictures of your rig and never can find any. it is what im going to be running, 35s, 3inch body and 6 inch rough country. so about as high as yours.

anyways yeah. if i like at them theres nothing broken or cut off. let me see if i can make that picture a little bigger for you.


you were right, i just went and looked and the one that is smaller has been cut done and was painted over. theres another hole drilled in on the top. damn. wish i seen this before i bought it..

lol yea I dont really have alot of pics of my rig. I think the fews ones that are on here are of my bumper. Its in a thread I created awhile ago.

yeah, if you ever get some pics shoot them my way id love to see how it sits.

is this bracket still usable untill i get myself some extended arms?

Hmmm I dont know. I guess it held up for the other guy but I dont know. Also the brackets can only go on one way so if you hold them up to the truck its make it a little easier to figure them out. I had the same problem when I was installing my kit.

so the bolts of the radius arm go through the box end of the bracket?

how do they stay there?

or should i just wait till you can grab me a picture? haha..

so the bolts of the radius arm go through the box end of the bracket?

how do they stay there?

or should i just wait till you can grab me a picture? haha..

Oh no no lol you know the crossmember thing that the radius arms are bolted to thats spans the whole width of the frame? Where that crossmember bolts(it might also be rivited) to the frame is where the drop bracket gos then the crossmember bolts to the bottom of the drop bracket.

oh man i think i got ya, so the old mounts come off along with the cross member, then the drop brackets bolt up and the crossmember and old mounts bolt under that??

Yea? Wait I think you've got it but what mounts are you talking about lol. I'm realizing how hard it is to find some pics of the radius arm drop brackets installed. Let me see if I can find a drop light and take a pic real fast.
Also its not that I dont belive you still but beacuse I havent seen a 6in RC kit if you measure between the two holes(top to bottom) on the drop bracket it should be 6in apart.


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Oh no no lol you know the crossmember thing that the radius arms are bolted to thats spans the whole width of the frame? Where that crossmember bolts(it might also be rivited) to the frame is where the drop bracket gos then the crossmember bolts to the bottom of the drop bracket.

Here is a good shot of what the above explains...


But did away with those brackets and crossmember for these...

And before we even got these dirty or fully flexed, we are ditching it all for custom long arms and a D30 from a Jeep...

Look to the left by the jack stand.

This is a James Duff 2.5" kit.

Edit; beat me to it


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how much did you pay for the 1 1/2 brackets you got? i think RC sells the rad drops and axle drops for ~220. if you are going to lift, unless you are going with cut and turned beams, you WILL need axle pivot drop brackets as well.
