Ranger wheels on 2nd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger wheels on 2nd gen

October 10, 2019
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1997 Mountaineer
I feel like the Explorer wheels on a Ranger question has been beaten to death, but I can't seem to find any info for Ranger wheels on a 2nd gen Explorer (1997 Mountaineer, specifically).

I am in need of a new spare and most everything I see at the Pick & Pull is as rusty and crusty as what I am trying to replace plus the 1st & 2nd gen Explorers are getting harder to find in the yard (who thought that day would ever come??).

Would a Ranger wheel fit? From what I've read I think the Ranger may have a smaller hub diameter, which would make this a one way swap only, i.e. you can put an Explorer wheel on a Ranger, but not the other way around.

Thank you!


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Should work. What’s the hub diameter on your wheels? I’ll go measure my Ranger’s, I’ve got both gens 3 and 4 outside.

i've run ranger wheels on Gen II before I think you will be fine
The 98-11 ranger has the same front suspension wheel bearings etc (98-99 have vacuum hubs but that wont effect you)


Find a good steel wheel for the spare, I still have a couple but like most this old they aren't the best looking any more. Don't use a regular aluminum wheel as a spare, the clear coat will be eaten away fast from normal Winter weather and salt etc.

You might also look at brand new steel wheels from an old police car, the 15's may possibly still be sold. I saw the 16" wheels(brand new) from about a 2001 police CV for $50 each about 2-3 years ago. Those would be great for any need, the spare or four good wheels and tires. I was thinking about them for a mail truck. Those police wheels used to have the many tiny holes in them like the spare of these trucks, and a cute Ford center cap.
