Rattling noise from inside Engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rattling noise from inside Engine


Well-Known Member
April 11, 2000
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93 Eddie Bauer
Hey guys whats up. I have 89k on my 93 EB. When i get on the accelerator, around maybe 3500rpms to 4300 it sounds like there is a rattling noise coming from inside the engine. Its really hard to describe but i know this cant be good. It goes away when i ease up on the pedal. Other than this the motor works fine. Only does it when i get on the pedal. Thanks.

93 Eddie Bauer 4x4
KKM Intake
Taylor Spiro-Pro Plug Wires
NGK Platinum Spark Plugs
Gibson Cat-back exhaust
Edelbrock IAS Shocks
Energy Suspension Poly bushings (entire truck)
Xenon headlights
Eclipse CD head unit

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do you mean it is pinging? if thats not it check the heat sheild around the manifold if it has one.

I'm not exactly clear on what the term pinging means.

kinda sounds like something tapping i guess it is kinda hard to explain the sound of it. but it would happen at the range of RPM that you were talking about in your first post. alot of Explorers have a pinging problem. i dont think it is anything real serious and i dont know the specifics on it. someone should be able to help you out a little more on the specifics.

To throw another posible solution to your problem

I once experienced a similar problem and ended up being a universal joint. The problem was evident during acceleration and thus the relation to the engine. It was hard to pinpoint. I hope this will help you.

[Edited by Rob on 06-04-2000 at 01:34 PM]

I had a simular situation and it ended up being the bearings in the altenator. I replaced the altenator and never had the noise again. Also check the heat shields on your catalitic convertors, mine were rattiling a bit and it sounded like it was coming from the engine compartment.

I bet it is preignition commonly known as "knock or ping". If you back off the gas and it goes away I would say thats it. My Navajo did it when it was loaded and I wanted to push it hard. A switch to a higher octane fuel will help or change of driving style.

I have the same problem!

I have a 94 Explorer with 91K now. It does the exact same thing to me when I run a cheap gas. Run some of the 2 in 1 octane boost made by Restore through it (Wal Mart) and maybe get gas at a different placefor a while, try this. Mine only did it once it was warm plese let me know if yours only does it when it is warm, also I think it souns almost what I would describe as gargling metal.

Hope this helps!

Well i checked heat shields, its not them. now its making that horrible noise when i'm just cruisin around town. rpms are at like 1500-1800. Its gettin worse. It did this when i ran 89 octane, now runnin 87 and its only gettin worse. This is only a guess, cant be really sure, but it sounds likes it's coming from in back of the engine. I appreciate all the help your giving me on this situation, hopefully we can solve this. Thanks again.

I have the same problem and I tried lots af stuff to try to
help but no luck. Just wondering if the timing could be out.
Can it be adjusted?

Does it sound like a diesel? Change your plugs, decarbonize your intake, run some engine cleaner through the fuel system, and see if it goes away.

Another test, bring the RPMS up and feather the gas lightly, keeping the rpms up, and if the noise increases, or remains noticable, you may have bad bearings, but that sounds lower in tone, and seems to come from below.

My best guess, without hearing it, would be a dirty engine, with bad plugs.

It could be the timing, the computer controls it though. I would check for codes, and also check the ECT (Engine coolant temp)sensor- the one for the EEC not the gauge. It may be a good time to change the t-stat.

May also want to check the hot air duct motor - the little cannister on the air box inlet tube with a vac line going to it- it may be letting hot air into the intake when it shouldnt. I think you would notice a decrease in mileage if that were the case.

Good luck

[Edited by SteveVB on 06-06-2000 at 07:15 AM]

Your MAF sensor may need to be cleaned. Check out this web site. Has lots of great info and may help solve your problem. Dead Link Removed

By the way, you should be running 87 octane only unless you have a superchip. The higher octane gas will only carbon up your engine faster......

Thanks guys for all the help. I'm gonna check everything out. Just one more question, about decarbonizing the intake, i read in another thread somewhere, they used a product called carbon flush, and they put it to the brake booster or something along that line. How does that work? Also is there a product made to clean/flush the carbon build up inside the engine? Thanks again.
