Rear audio controls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear audio controls


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2009
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1997 Ford Explorer
Hi everyone.
I got a quick question. Im trying to remove the rear audio controls on on my 97 xlt since I dont need it. One thing I noticed was that when I disconnected the audio control's harness, I noticed that the rear speakers stopped working. I also noticed it has the same color wires that the speakers have too. My question is there any way to bypass or cancel that harness while still being able to hear the speakers? I know that it connects to a circuit board, but im also trying to get rid of that too. Anyone have any clue how to handle this situation?

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When I took out my center console I just spliced the speaker wires coming out of the big harness under the front cubby. You'll see two sets of every speaker wire color. Just cut and connect them.

You can see them spliced in my pic


So that means I have to completely remove the whole center console?

Not necessarily. Just pull up the cubby to access the harness and splice them together. Then just re-assemble.

But why do you want to disable the controls? Did you know you can press the 3+5 presets at the same time to disable them?

the harness your talking about is the one bolted down where the center console begins right? & Well I replaced the stock stereo with an aftermarket one & Im trying to put a cigarette lighter and probably a usb port and a 3.5mm cable to connect any accessories

Not necessarily. Just pull up the cubby to access the harness and splice them together. Then just re-assemble.

But why do you want to disable the controls? Did you know you can press the 3+5 presets at the same time to disable them?

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? My friends ALWAYS mess with the raido, when they are in back. I am so glad you posted this...

On the other hand, I too have the rear controls. When I get my new Alpine deck, and bypass the entire wiring for the speakers all together(I am getting a new 4 Channel amp to power the door speakers.), I assume I won't have to worry about this at all? or does anything else run to this portion of the controls, such as Radio, outputs/inputs, etc.?

These buttons were a HUGE pain in the ass when I had friends in the back but since I put an aftermarket stereo, I have no use of those buttons & I want to put something else in there place. To your question, No I doubt that it will be a problem. If you run all new wiring to your speakers, there shouldn't be any problem at all

Thanks I was thinking about doing this. I don't need, rear controls on the stereo, very dumb idea, my rig my rules; Driver picks the tunes. Having a 12volt and a couple of USB power only outlets in the rear would be hella useful.
