Rear Axle Seal and "Transmission Seal" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Axle Seal and "Transmission Seal"


January 13, 2011
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Recently had my truck in for an oil change at our local Goodyear and they found a couple issues.

#1: Passenger side rear axle seal is leaking. I crawled under and can confirm this. I had 1 drip on the driveway and there is a slight amount of oil that has been slung on the under-body.

#2: They also said I have a small transmission seal leak on the output shaft. Anything with the transmission terrifies me right now (see below).

I believe they're quotes were roughly $150 for the tranny seal, and $250ish for the rear axle seal(parts and labor). I just ran it over to Ford, and they wouldn't look at it unless I paid them $65 and a hour and half of my time, plus he gave me a guess of $700-$800 dollars for both items.

I know Ford probably knows the truck better, but $300-$400 better?

The reason this is concerning me so much is on Saturday we are departing from MN to Moab Utah for a week of off-roading, ATVing, etc. I DO NOT want this thing to take a dump on me. To make things worse, we're pulling a steel trailer with two ATVs all the way out, through the mountains, etc. Not worried about capacity or anything, just the tranny from everyone's horror stories on here. Are the 5R55Ws just as bad as all the others? I have no idea what kind of maintenance was done prior to my taking ownership.

With that in mind, what do you all recommend?

2004 Explorer Limited
118,000 (purchased with 110K)
4.6L V8, 4x4, 5R55W, 3.55 rear, no towing package

Pic (Covered in yellow-dust from its tree-orgy last night):

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To Go, or Not?

First, is the transmission leak really that, or is the output shaft seal on the TRANSFER CASE leaking? It IS a 4X4, right? Leaking trans. output shaft seal is not obvios, until it is leaking like hell, for the leak must either build pressure within the trans. to T.C. adapter, or leak past the T.C. input shaft seal into the T.C., where fluid level will build up until it pukes out of the vent.

Second, the rear axle seal is certainly more involved to repair than the T.C. output seal, if that is the source of leakage up front.

Leaking seals do not USUALLY suddenly give way to a torrent of leakage. Only you can assess the degree of leakage present, to decide whether to chance a big trip before repairs are made. imp

My guess is the output shaft seal. He said the tech was pretty vague.

Right now I'm planning on having the axle seal replaced in the morning, and assessing the "transmission" seal when its on the lift. Hopefully it's not too bad, although it's only $150 to have done.

I'd just rather do this stuff now before the trip, rather than hold off until later.

I believe they're quotes were roughly $150 for the tranny seal, and $250ish for the rear axle seal(parts and labor). I just ran it over to Ford, and they wouldn't look at it unless I paid them $65 and a hour and half of my time, plus he gave me a guess of $700-$800 dollars for both items.

I know Ford probably knows the truck better, but $300-$400 better?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

$250 for an axle seal repair seems high to me. I had the front axle seal done back in January on my Explorer and it cost $107.00 parts and labor. This repair was done at a transmission shop with a $70 an hour labor rate. The difference in price could be that yours is the rear axle and mine was the front, maybe tougher to do the rear axle, I'm not sure. Keep in mind that the price the Ford Dealership gave you of $700-$800 to fix both problems is because they charge you approx. $100-$150 an hour labor depending on what city and state you live in. Dealership labor charges are a lot higher than privately owned repair shops. Where I live near Buffalo, NY they charge $117 an hour labor at a Ford Dealership, about $47 an hour higher than other repair shops. Figure most of that price they gave you is labor cost, since seals or gaskets don't really cost all that much.

>>>>>>>>>>>With that in mind, what do you all recommend?>>>>>>>>>>

Personally, I would get it fixed before taking that long trip. $800 is a lot cheaper now than if it broke down in the middle of nowwhere and stranded. Without Triple AAA (which will tow you up to 200 miles) towing insurance for example, the tow you would need to ge to a repair shop from the middle of nowhere would cost quite a bit. These 4x4 Explorers have to be towed by a "wheel lift with dollies" or a flat bed towing truck, winched up on to it, and all wheels must be off of the ground, so a standard type slingbelt tow truck cannot be used on them, it's expensive. I also would be leary about some car repair shop in some other state you know nothing about if you had to take it there for a repair. They will know you are a long way from home and desperate, so I believe they will soak you on the repair costs. Not all places will do that but it is something to think about.

For $400 and a trip coming up, I would let them fix it...and I always do my own work and have replaced seals (and worse) like that myself since I had time. However, the odds of it having any catastrophic failure is pretty low.

Thanks for the input fellas.

Have them putting in the right rear wheel bearing, and the tranny seal was up in the front of the transmission so the quote was not accurate. The tech guy who was a tranny specialist told me not to do it.

Also noticed some chirping under the hood so they're throwing a belt on too as it was quite cracked.

Hopefully that will do the trick!

Thanks for the input fellas.

Also noticed some chirping under the hood so they're throwing a belt on too as it was quite cracked.

Hopefully that will do the trick!

The serpentine belt my truck came with when I bought it did the same thing, it was cracked in spots and squealing or chirping and the new belt I put on, did do the trick and quieted it down. The belt should run approx $25-$35. Enjoy your trip!

My guess is the output shaft seal. He said the tech was pretty vague.

Right now I'm planning on having the axle seal replaced in the morning, and assessing the "transmission" seal when its on the lift. Hopefully it's not too bad, although it's only $150 to have done.

I'd just rather do this stuff now before the trip, rather than hold off until later.

IMHO, a wise decision! imp

I have a 2002 EXP, XLT - Axle Code 45- which is the Open 3.55. I have a leak in the rear axle pass (right) side and the same in the front pass (right) side. I've looked up part#. As near as I can tell, the rear should take the MOTORCRAFT BRS-40, but the FRONTS take either the BRS-10 or the BRS-31. Does anyone know what is the exact Part # for the front? Or how I can find out which part# my car takes ? THANKS!

Fix it if you have the time, if not, I'd just make sure everything is topped off before I left. A little oil makes a big puddle, then tackle it when you get home.
