Rear bed storage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear bed storage


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2008
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City, State
Bonneau, South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Sport Trac Limited
OK.....I know this is going to sound silly, but how the heck do you open the large front storage compartment. The two smaller ones in the rear have a twist latch....then open, but the front one that runs along the cab will not open. I don't see any latch and no instructions in the owners manual. I will have to admit.....I have not done a search, but if you have an answer....let a fellow owner know. I don't know if I would put anything in there or not, but I still want to have access. I do use the small ones.....air compressor in one and bungy straps in the other.


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My 2008 has the same twist latch as the smaller ones on the side. Maybe 2007's were different. If you don't get an answer here, try Maybe someone there with a 2007 will see it. Early 2007 models had some differences like the rear door handles and one-piece fixed rear window. If you can post a picture of the lid I'd like to see it.

My 2008 has the same twist latch as the smaller ones on the side. Maybe 2007's were different. If you don't get an answer here, try Maybe someone there with a 2007 will see it. Early 2007 models had some differences like the rear door handles and one-piece fixed rear window. If you can post a picture of the lid I'd like to see it.

Thanks for the the small ones on the side are the same as yours. They have a twist latch and open easily....the one I am talking about is the one that is across the front of the bed. It pretty well runs the width of the bed and has a recess (like a handle) in the center. I have pulled/pryed but it will not open. I have gone under the truck and don't see any lock. I would imagine your 2008 is the same.


i have an 08 that have the same exact front storage with the same exact twist latch as on the small storage ones... i as well belong to and spmebody there with your exact truck can probabaly help with ur year

i have an 08 that have the same exact front storage with the same exact twist latch as on the small storage ones... i as well belong to and spmebody there with your exact truck can probabaly help with ur year

Thanks.....I posted my question on mysporttrac and got the answer in just a couple of minutes. There is a hidden latch/handle under the bed rail on the drivers side about 12" back. I pulled down the latch and it opened up. The storage compartment even has gas shocks.

Now I know.....

I have a 07 with the same "hidden" latch... Don't feel bad, it took me a wile to find it as well! Lol

Thanks.....I posted my question on mysporttrac and got the answer in just a couple of minutes. There is a hidden latch/handle under the bed rail on the drivers side about 12" back. I pulled down the latch and it opened up. The storage compartment even has gas shocks.

Now I know.....

That's different from the 08-up then.. Now we know too.

very interesting.. i always thought putting the latch in the middle of the door was stupid. you have to climb in the bed to unlatch it and open it. I just leave my latch undone, and can lift the lid from the side usually.

can you post some pictures of the side mounted latch? sounds like a much better design than the newer version.

I will have to post it up later.....It does look neat; it sits flush to the bed rail and unless you are know would not even notice.

very interesting.. i always thought putting the latch in the middle of the door was stupid. you have to climb in the bed to unlatch it and open it. I just leave my latch undone, and can lift the lid from the side usually.

Heh. Try having a bed mat. (I have my reasons. The pros outweigh the cons but it's a PITA to get to the storage compartments.)

The Ford part number for the strut is 7A2Z-99286A06-A.
Most part diagrams list it as a "connector". Its $150 to $200 for Motorcraft everywhere I've looked.

You might be able to find a tool box lid substitute, or maybe even some small SUV rear window strut to use. Mine is weak as well, but not $150 weak, especially considering I use the box once or twice a year.

I need a new shock for mine too, but not for $150!! That's beyond highway robbery!

I need the gas strut for the storage compartment as well..
Does anybody have a link to where you can buy a cheaper alternative online?
