Rear ended AGAIN! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear ended AGAIN!

Dr Plastic

Well-Known Member
July 10, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Newport News, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'15 Limited FWD
Just got my Ex out of the shop in Feb for repairs for a rear ender. Just got hit again today bout it looks like there is no paint damage just some chewed up plastic parts and a bent trailer hitch connector bracket. Rear ended twice in 6 months. My Ex is not even 12 months old yet! WTF is it with people!

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Yup, thats Virginia, land of the distracted drivers. Most likely on their phone or doing anything other then paying attention to driving. Sucks man, hope you get it fixed up again :(

This wouldn't happen if the state of Va would pass a texting while driving law that allows people to be stopped for texting while driving. Its a secondary offense so unless you're speeding and texting, nothing anyone can do.

This wouldn't happen if the state of Va would pass a texting while driving law that allows people to be stopped for texting while driving. Its a secondary offense so unless you're speeding and texting, nothing anyone can do.

Virginia cops are more on point than MD cops are though. From my friends, there are rumors that Virginia cops will pull you over for every reason there is. For texting and driving, a lot of drivers will argue about how they didn't text as they put their phone down quickly. It's hard for the cops to see inside vehicles, especially since people like to tint windows really dark in the DMV area. That's why it's so hard to judge. There are a lot of people who like to race in the DMV area too. There are just a lot of irresponsible and bad drivers.

Yup, thats Virginia, land of the distracted drivers. Most likely on their phone or doing anything other then paying attention to driving. Sucks man, hope you get it fixed up again :(

As I do not support texting and driving...... Really?? You really think Virginia for one is the only state that has this problem? Two think it will be eliminated if laws change? (No, ppl become more distracted by trying to hide their phone usage). Three you can't blame it immediately on that. Maybe they were tending to a crying child, looking at the radio, the clock, trying to use a damn Microsoft product (that's you MFT) and so on.

As I do not support texting and driving...... Really?? You really think Virginia for one is the only state that has this problem? Two think it will be eliminated if laws change? (No, ppl become more distracted by trying to hide their phone usage). Three you can't blame it immediately on that. Maybe they were tending to a crying child, looking at the radio, the clock, trying to use a damn Microsoft product (that's you MFT) and so on.

I'm not saying that this is the only area with this problem at all...I just think it's one of the worst. People are stuck in traffic so long up here and in the Virginia Beach area that they take it as an excuse to do all the other things that can't wait till they get's horrible up here!

And while it may not have been the phone, all the things you mentioned are distracted driving which are just as bad...the days of just paying attention to driving are long gone.

Sucks about your luck, trust me I can relate living around here. People that play with their phone (not talking) while driving down the road are the worst. I tend to blow black smoke all of their car / in their window if I'm driving my f250 as I pass haha

As I do not support texting and driving...... Really?? You really think Virginia for one is the only state that has this problem? Two think it will be eliminated if laws change? (No, ppl become more distracted by trying to hide their phone usage). Three you can't blame it immediately on that. Maybe they were tending to a crying child, looking at the radio, the clock, trying to use a damn Microsoft product (that's you MFT) and so on.
The city police here have caught many 'distracted' drivers. The police dress as construction workers, street buskers, cyclist etc and don't wear their uniforms. You'd be surprised how many drivers are caught 'red handed' this way, and it is all legal.
I agree that there are way too many distractions now a days. Studies have shown that even using the hands free Bluetooth method is not much better than actually using the phone itself.
Perhaps it is time to implement a 'force field' to surround each vehicle.:eek:


The problem is. There will always be idiots on the road. A friend of mine, his sister rented out a Hyundai and they got rear ended by a Lincoln Town Car and the guy drove away. So many idiot drivers. You can make laws, but it doesn't mean people won't be stupid. That's why I like my old 1995 Ford Explorer. I've been rear ended 7 times and not once have I needed to fix the bumper.

The problem is. There will always be idiots on the road. A friend of mine, his sister rented out a Hyundai and they got rear ended by a Lincoln Town Car and the guy drove away. So many idiot drivers. You can make laws, but it doesn't mean people won't be stupid. That's why I like my old 1995 Ford Explorer. I've been rear ended 7 times and not once have I needed to fix the bumper.
I hear you. I guess that is why progress is so expensive. ;)

