Rear ended!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear ended!!!!!


Well-Known Member
December 30, 1999
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I got rear ended the other day and the first thing I thought of was to let everyone know this on this message board.

Anyways, I got rear ended, pretty hard too. I was stopped and the person behind me (a female using a cell phone) at the time wanted to read my license plate.

Long story short I got out looked at my truck then at her little Saturn and started laughing!!! I had one tiny scuff mark on my bumper while the whole front end of her vehicle was ripped up. Thank God I had that trailer hitch on with a 2" inch ball on it. HEHEHE!!!! Her plastic bumper was pretty torn up. We exchanged stuff and I went on my way, noting that she returned to using her cell phone.

Just another reason why I really do love this car,oops, SUV that everyone else hates. Including the owner of that purple Saturn...


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Stephen, what happened to 'Doesn't ANYONE think of others anymore??'. Tsk, tsk.

I agree with Stephen!
I hate people who talk on the phone and don't watch where they are going. Also that scratch no matter how small should be fixed, and she should pay for it since she did it.

Well, my "Doesn't anyone thing of others anymore" post referred to someone doing wrong by me and then being a jerk. I have no sympathy for people who are stupid enough to back into others or rear end others while they're standing still. THESE people are morons and DESERVE to pay dearly for their wrongdoings.

I've been driving a long time, I've only rear ended someone ONCE. She was driving a Blazer and I was driving a Lincoln Continental. She stopped short on a highway onramp (where you werent supposed to stop), and since one of her brake lights was out she was found at fault. Still though, same thing happened to me that happened to the woman that rear ended MyExp. Her Blazer was so high, and the nose on my Lincoln was low due to braking dive (gotta love land barges) her bumper totally missed my bumper and wiped out everything to the right of the Lincoln symbol on the grille. Buckled the hood about a foot. No airbags (they went off two weeks later at the body shop, go Ford! :rolleyes: ). Actually when they did the repair they reused the same bumper cover because it was undamaged! I was going about 10 MPH. Anyway, just a scratch to her car, almost $5,000 damage to mine. She had a hitch ball too ;)

I think MyExp should claim it on her insurance,it
might make her think about her driving and she should
be responsible for her wrong doing and causing other
people grief.

I've had the same thing happen to me before... I used to drive a 98 F-150, moonlight blue, with the works, and I don't know WHAT it was about this thing but people couldn't stop from rear-ending the sucker. Lets see, if I remember right I was rear-ended three times, mainly at intersections and stop signs, and each time I'd get out and just laugh because they'd have their hood pushed in or a big huge dent all along their bumper, one guy even blew his radiator... and I'd look at mine at the worst damage I ever noticed to it was a scratch on the side of the trailer hitch. 5MPH bumpers indeed :).

Check that frame!

You may just see a scratch now but make sure you have your body shop put the laser on your frame, just in case. I too have made a decision to leave the ball mount on at all times, think of it as a buffer for a&%#^$#s on carphones. BTW, did it damage the ball?

I actually never had a ball in there, I had a ford logo hitch cover until I got sick of it getting all scratched up :). I had the frame looked at twice by Bear frame and axle, and each time they said it was fine, no damage.

okay, since we're swapping accident stories involving society's moron and idiot constituency... I just might have the best one yet. it's winter, I'm driving to the upper peninsula of MI from downstate in the worst storm I've ever seen. I get off the freeway to get gas and am sitting at the end of the exit ramp, starting to turn when I see someone coming over the overpass. no problem, I stop and was just going to wait for them to go by. while I'm waiting, I crack open the cd case and look down to pop in a new one when out of the corner of my eye I see this light blue streak. it's the car that had been driving over the overpass, only now it's fishtailing out of control and careening toward me at about 40mph. not enough time to react or do anything and the person slams into my rear quarter **hard enough to actually MOVE my truck sideways and brush it against the guardrail** (it was slippery out, but still). so, there I sit, uninjured but fuming. had I gotten out at that point, I would have become a tad irrational and I'd learned from experience that yelling and screaming and spitting in the face of someone that dumb just doesn't help much. I calmed down after a few seconds and am getting ready to get out when I feel the other car start to back up. I'm opening the door and stepping out as the person (who to this day is unidentified) buries the throttle and speeds away as fast as the slippery road conditions would allow (once again fishtailing, of course). no witnesses, couldn't get a licence plate # (covered in snow), all I saw was some crazy looking frizzy blonde hair and a bill for $2100 in body work for my truck plus a new tire because a big chunk of tread got ripped off when I was hit.

so, now I've started the "who's encountered the biggest moron" thread :) :) sorry, I couldn't resist.


I'm getting a ball hitch!

Seems like the best insurance out there! Do they make one for the front too?!!;)

Well I just learned today that my sister and her family were involved in an accident with a 16 year old girl. They were on some road in NC when this girl (talking on the phone AND eating, so that would leave NO hands for the wheel) broadsided them. Pushed their 96 Town and Country over the median and into oncoming traffic. Thank God, no one was hurt including that dumbass girl. $9,000 in damage to the van, and the body shop has had it since the 4th of July.

sorry to hear that, Stephen, although glad that no one was hurt. scary when the morons strike close to home, I know. I saw some strange, strange things on the road during the rest of that trip I spoke of earlier (not to mention being run off the road, across oncoming traffic, and into the ditch on my way back later that week by yet another moron). this sort of thing is why I wish 50 cal roof-mounted machine guns weren't just reserved for the army and James Bond movies :)


I hate to admit it but I think I've done it before... although usually I'm not chowing down on a hogie or anything, usually just eating some chips or something while chatting on the cell phone... I think my guardian angels work harder then some peoples though :).

most people at least have the sense to stop chewing when they come to an intersection, realizing that a human life is a little more valuable than either their cheeseburger or their cell phone conversation. apparantly this girl didn't.

Matt, PLEASE tell me you have a handsfree phone. I use the cell phone A LOT. During the week, I'm in my car most of the day (my Lexus is my business car, its two years old and has almost 60,000 miles on it, so I drive a lot) when I'm in the car, I'm on the phone. Whether its getting voicemail, filling an order etc. Trust me, handsfree voice activated is the ONLY way to go.

Aaron, I'm going to call her again tonight. This happened when I was in Canada at the beginning of the month so today was the first chance I've gotten to talk to her, and she was on her way out the door. Plus our family reunion is this weekend in WV, so I'll get the full story from her then.

Sorry to hear about your MVA. I too was rear ended by some girl who was putting on makeup while she was driving. I was stopped at a light and here she came barreling down the street the same way Rosie O would attack an unclaimed donut. At the last second she looked up and slammed on her brakes causing only cosmetic damage to her car and none to mine. Why was she getting dressed in the car? Because she was late for work at Subway and was trying to save some time.

[Edited by Jeff on 07-26-2000 at 06:16 PM]

WAIT!! I gotcha beat!
I was driving my 18 Wheeler back to the yard one day, I had just got out of the toll both, going up the gears, when all of a sudden some moron STOPS right in the road, AND STARTS TO BACKUP! I missed plowing into that little POS Escort he was driving by 2 inches, took out a barricade on the side of the road, and finally stopped just short of a jack knife.

The IDIOT missed his turnoff and was backing up to get off the road.

To top it off, I try to get my rig off the road, because I am blocking 2 of the 3 lanes, and do you think poeple would stop to let me move? NO they go off on the shoulder right in front of me while I am trying to straighten up my rig to get it out of THEIR way! I almost wind up hitting a few of those idiots in the process. Luckely the only damage was my nerves and the headlight of my truck. The state trooper who took the info chewed out the driver of the other car so loud that I heard him while sitting in my truck with the engine going!

He was lucky that I was empty, or he would have died a horrible death that day, and I would have been in bad shape myself.

OK see if you can beat that as an idiot story. :)

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Sorry Stephen, I guess my post was misunderstood. I guess I should have put a ;) at the beginning, not a :D. All I tried to address was the LOL and revenge part of your reply in a facetious way. She wasn't obnoxious like the guy that hit you.
Anyway, I apologize.
And of course she should be liable for any damage and get a ticket to boot. But as long as cell phones are legal (I believe some states are trying to make use of cell phone while driving illegal), they can't give her one for that.
If by any chance some state passes a law making cell phone use illegal, it will unfortunately just be another one that won't (or can't) be enforced.
Matt, I had a black 535 BMW that was rearended 3 times too. Maybe it's dark colors?
But enough of that. I just got back from a days wheeling at Big Bear with FAKRWEE (Tom Rios) with his new 35'' tires. A nip here and a tuck there and he will be ready for the Rubicon. :D
