Rear Hatch Doesn't Lock or Unlock! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Hatch Doesn't Lock or Unlock!


Active Member
February 23, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Yorba Linda, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Sport
My mom has been having some trouble with the rear hatch of her 94 exp sport. When she tries to lock it from the door it doesn't work. The only way it can be locked and unlocked now is manually. My mom is concerned because we usually have expensive golf clubs in the back and she frequently forgets to lock it. I told her to take it to the ford dealer but she doesn't want to pay a lot of money for something that might be simple to fix so I told her I would post the question online. Thanks a lot for your help.

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Mine did the same , if I slammed it hard it would work, so I removed the door skin and the mechanisim was binding in the center area(hard to explain,should be easy to see) lubed it all up and ran it a few times it seems ok so far. Oh yea I still shut it fairly hard. Good luck.

My 96 did the same. Problem is Ford did not put a dust boot over
the lock cylinder and dirt accumulated in the cyliner. I had to remove the rear hatch panel, remove the lock cylinder (remember which way the linkages hook up) and soak the cylinder in penetrating oil over night. After soaking, the cylinder broke free and has worked fine since.

I don't know my mom doesn't think i can fix it could you give me like step by step directions on how to get the hatch off etc. to show her so she could see that it wasn't that hard. Thanks a lot.

Remove the two screws holding the handle to the rear hatch. Locate and remove the plastic retainers (they pop out with a screwdriver) that secure the hatch panel to the hatch. Remove the hatch panel. Once the panel is off, peel back the plastic barrier covering the hatch access openings. Once the barrier is off, you can see the back of the lock cylinder, note how the linkage is attached (the locking linkage hooks into an eyelet on the cylinder, just make sure you put it back in the same way it came out). Now, locate the large clip holding the cylinder to the hatch. The clip is wedged between the cylinder and the hatch and is removed by stricking it with a hammer a long screw driver, prybar, ect.. Once the clip is removed, the cylinder can be moved around to unhook it from the locking linkage and it pulls out from the outside. Once it is free, check the cylinder with the key for operation. If it binds, or does not turn, soak it in penetrating oil. Install in reverse may need some adhesive to glue the plastic barrier back to the hatch. It is a simple process!!!
