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Lock / unlock codes


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October 3, 2000
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2014 Explorer Sport
My girlfriend's mother has a Mountaineer and she has the code on the door to lock and unlock the car.

She doesn't know the code though, she has never known it.

How do I set it up so she can use it? Or where do I find the code and how to do I set it?

Thanks for the help..

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Im pretty sure that if you call FORD with the V.I.N number they should be able to help you out.


According to my manual, the keyless entry system will always work with the factory code. It's permanant even if you enter your own code. The factory code is located in 3 places.

1) on the owner's wallet card in the glove compartment box
2) taped to the computer module
3) see dealer

To enter your own code after you have figured out the factory code:

1) Enter the factory set code
2) Press the 1/2 control within 5 seconds of step 1
3) enter your personal 5 digit code. Enter each digit within five seconds of the previous one.

If there is a personal code already entered, this will erase it. It will NOT erase the permanant factory code.

So sez the manual :)

Originally posted by toad
Im pretty sure that if you call FORD with the V.I.N number they should be able to help you out.
Hehe, remind me to go "new car shopping" next time I'm in the parking lot. ;) Ford isn't going to give you that number over the phone.

There should be a card (about the size of your Visa card) in the owners' manual with the code on it. If it's not there, you'll probably have to go to the dealer (oh boy! just your idea of fun!) and have him look it up.

To expand on what was said, the code is located on the GEM (General Electronics Module). It is located in the jack compartment in the back cargo area of her Mountaineer. The sticker is on the side of the GEM which will require a flashlight and usually a small dental mirror to see it. Look for a 5 digit code.


It is in the jack area! Just a conformation

Originally posted by Robert
To expand on what was said, the code is located on the GEM (General Electronics Module). It is located in the jack compartment in the back cargo area of her Mountaineer. The sticker is on the side of the GEM which will require a flashlight and usually a small dental mirror to see it. Look for a 5 digit code.

Indeed, it is here. I had to use it to get the factory code from a dealer.

Funny you mentioned this. I just went through the same experience last week. Being the new owner of a used 95 EB, i had no code card and was unable to see the number on the GEM. I tried going to the dealership, which tried to contact the originating dealership for the code, but to no avail. My dealer told me to call Ford Canada, which took up about 10 mins of my time to update the ownership information, only to tell me that they can't give me the code due to security reasons (i really wanted to strangle the customer service rep!!). She refused to give it to me even though she knew i was at my dealership!
Anyway, i got fed up and went straight to the service dept. Took them about 5 mins, a flashlight and a panel popper to get the code.
I'm happy nevertheless, but cannot understand the rationale behind updating the ownership info.....yet refusing to give me the code even if i could verify that i was the owner. My advice is to get the code by popping open the panel (if you really can't see it), or just going to the service dept. for help. In my case, they had to do it for me, since they sold a vehicle without providing the relevant information.

The dental mirror and flashlight (both are necessary) worked for me when I bought my Limited last year. It's on a sticker with a bar-code and the 5 digit number is written under the bat code. When you have the jack panel open, the G.E.M. is toward the front of the vehicle, to far forward to get your nose in there to read the stuff, hence the mirror and flashlight.

Good luck


You guys are great and very correct.

I bought my 98 XLT in March from a dealer, who ultimately got it from a Car Rental Organization, who of course probably would not have the exact Owner's Manual that goes with that vehicle.

I had been wondering where I was going to get the code.


Thanks....I like this forum. I will be visiting often, when I have questions.
