Rear Sits too low for my taste | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Sits too low for my taste


New Member
October 9, 2011
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City, State
Chattanooga, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Eddie Bauer Explorer
Hi. I have a 2000 eddie bauer explorer 5.0 awd, and the rear of the vehicle sits a little lower than the front and i dont like it. It has the air suspension system in the back and it still works great as far as i know, but whats the best way to lift the back end up a couple of inches to even it out or maybe even let it sit a little higher than the front? Any ideas would be great, thanks yall, i really appreciate it

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you should re adjust the height limit switches on the air ride.

then maybe some warrior shackles to loosen up the leafs a little

Thanks man, ill look into adjusting those switches. What size shackles should I go with?

Search for the add a leaf kit. Search add a leaf install on here (abbreviated by some as AAL).

They're fairly inexpensive. The labor isn't too bad either, just fighting rusty bolts mostly.

Use AAL, pass on the shackles.

I have air ride on my explorer and by adding the shackles it frees up the stock spring some so it will allow the air suspension to lift better.

add a leaf doesn't help let the air ride suspension work like it should.

by adjusting the height limit switches on the air ride you should be able to get a little more lift out of the air ride.

giving the springs a little more room to move should get you that much more.
