rear springs- how many leaves | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear springs- how many leaves


Elite Explorer
May 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
native Floridian
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 sport
I noticed on my 94 sport thr rear sets higher than the front, looking under it, it has 2 regular leaves and the overload spring. Is that stock, or have they been swapped, I can't remember how many my 4 door had.

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my moms 96 4 door and my 94 4 door both have a total of 4 leaves... the main one with the eyelets, 2 other ones and then the overload leaf... both are stock

Sounds like you have a monoleaf standard on the sport that someone put an AAL on.

My 4dr has 6 :eek: on the packs now instead of the 4 it came with. And as dman has pointed out, I have no flex in the rear any more. oops. Anyone want to buy an extra leaf?

I thought my 4 door had more, funny thing is, the sports springs do not look like they have an after market spring in them. Thanks for the response, I thought I had read where the sports had the mono, and a buddies navajo sags in the back of his.

my 99 sport only has one

The 91-94 2dr sports have one leaf less than the 4dr. Stock for Sport is: 2 regular leaves and an overload leaf.

bmxking5 said:
The 91-94 2dr sports have one leaf less than the 4dr. Stock for Sport is: 2 regular leaves and an overload leaf.
okay, good mine is stock rear then.

if you took out the overload leaf on a 4 door explorer would it still function good and not wear out and go soft down the road?!?
