rear swaybar bushing replacement? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear swaybar bushing replacement?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 SPORT 4x4
are they easy to change out? been searching all around, but cant find!!!!:usa::salute:

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please help!!!!:usa:

yeah they're easy. if it's the bushings on the axle, then you remove the 4 bolts, pull the old bushings off, pop the new ones on, and replace the bolts. For the end link bushings, it's 2 bolts for each side to remove them. Then you can replace the bushings in the end link or purchase new end links. then bolt the end links back up.

sounds easy enough!!! do you think it will handle better, cause i just did the fronts???:thumbsup:

oh yeah!! what does that do???

do you know any good sites i can get one at?

:thumbsup:thanks for the help!!!
