Rear window ventvisor problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear window ventvisor problems


Well-Known Member
October 15, 2000
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City, State
Sammamish, WA and Provo, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT 4 door
I followed instructions exactly, and whenever I roll up the window, the window hangs on the bottom of the ventvisor so I can't get it up. I have to push on the ventvisor from inside while holding the window up button. Anyway, I broke one yesterday so I will be sending it back to get a new one. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I had the exact same problem with mine when I first got them but I attribute it to the fact I rolled my windows down right away instead of leaving it up for atleast 24 hours like the directions say. What I did was just leave my rear windows up for a week and it seems to work fine now. Expect when you are on the express way doing 80 or so, then it hangs but I can deal with that.

Mine hung up also, just in the rear. If you look close while you roll up, you'll see it hangs on the front corner. I used a small file and rounded off the corner of the plastic where the glass hits. It still hits, but slides over smoothly, no noise. No problems in 5 years.

Ed Bodnar

never had that problem but i still dont like the design of them being on the inside of the window. does anyone elses back windows take forever to go up? my front ones are fast but the back ones are sssssllllllloooooowwwww!!!

my ventshade things do that sucks.....but i too find that if you leave the windows up for a while that it seems to help.

my aunt has a 2000 X with them on it and hers does the same thing as well....

YES, my back windows roll up very slow too..well slower than the front at least.


I personally think that they look better tucked away inside the window. On our Jeep and Blazer they were on the outside and came off alot easier. The funny thing about mine is that it is just the rear driver side one that has a problem, the passenger rear has never failed.

ive got them on my 93 Ranger. in the 9 years theyve been on there, its never hung up once, never had a problem with them on the expressway going 80, never had a problem rollin the window up goin 110 MPh and rollin them up.

Vent Visors are great though.

and the slow window problem must be cronic in ford's. our Aerostar did it, my neighbor's 4banger mustang, and 00 ex limited does it.


The AutoVentshade company has a toll free number on it's website for technical support. Tell them about your problem and they will know exactly what you are talking about. (It's a very common problem.) They'll ask for your mailing address and they'll send you some v-shaped clips that fit into the window track. Pop them in and bump them up against the bottom of the visors and all works perfectly.


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