Rear Window Wiper not touching window | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Window Wiper not touching window

You can do what the assholes at the use car dealer did to my arm when i said it was missing the window (after I had them fix the fact it wasnt parking prior to delivery).

Needless to say I WILL be getting a new arm from Ford, or they will feel the wrath of my personal friend Mr. High Ranking Lawyer.

Had that been me, there would have been a service tech walking home with that arm sticking out his....
Then the service manager would be trying to decide just how much it's worth to him to keep that photo out of the local paper.

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I shaved a little off the arm, as suggested here, and I thought it worked, but it rained today, and it still misses the top part of the window. So I guess it's back to the dremel

wow that is all kinds of ridiculous...i'm about to tackle this problem on mine soon but not like that lol good luck with that moron dealership!!!

Ok, here's what I did. I removed the rear wiper arm, then removed the wiper blade, spring and clip. Then I used a Dremel to remove about 3/16" from both of the wiper stops. They were too long and preventing complete contact of the wiper arm to the rear window. Once reinstalled and tested it works perfectly.


I used the bending trick and shaving a little off the posts on the inside of the wiper. It worked to get the whole window, but, like others, it would sit in the lip below the window. To solve this, I removed the arm from the back glass using the nut under the metal flip-up cover, and rotated it counterclockwise, so the wiper stays on the glass the whole time. It also wipes more of the window instead of stopping halfway through the driver's side.

Just as others have suggested, I removed about 1/8 inch or so of the support fingers on the back of the wiper assembly. The wiper now works as it should have in the beginning. It looks like a little piece was added to each finger sometime during its manufacturing, that was the piece I removed.
