Rear wiper/washer. I've tried all I know and read. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear wiper/washer. I've tried all I know and read.


May 8, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Patchogue NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Limited
Hello all. New here but not new to DIY.

2002 exp limited. Rear wiper and washer stopped same time. No relay click. Checked all fuses related, swapped around relays in engine compartment, and pass rear quarter. Replaced multifunction switch. Hooked up power probe w/12v to motor and it cycles. What am I missing??? I've got too much time into too small a problem, but now it's become a personal mission!

Thank you to everyone that can assist in this.


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Does the door or window think they are opened?

Yes, door ajar, darn switches. Wiper won't work with door ajar? I'd be amazed.

No, if it thinks the window is open it won’t work.

Well I have a door ajar problem. Thought it was driver's door. Changed switch, no fix. Pulled boot and found no broken wire. While driving, doors locked and unlocked. Maybe it's the rear window? Could that give me a door ajar light? Thank you for your help.

Sure, at least in the Second Gens. With the key in the on position opening a door should cause the warning ding or buzzer. Open all doors. If you find one that doesn’t warn you, that’s your issue.

I understand, problem is I always have a door ajar light with all doors closed. Always. I'll have to keep tracing wires.

Thank you

The light doesn’t matter to the dinging. It’ll tell you which switch is at fault without tracing out all the wiring.........every door that doesn’t think it’s already open will ding. When you get to the door that DOESN’T result in a new ding, there’s your culprit.

Ahhh. Ok I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!

I tried opening the doors individually with key in the on position. What's strange is the driver door that I have the door switch unplugged, is the only one that dinged.

Are you sure it’s the door switch that’s unplugged? It makes no sense that it would alert you since it should already think the door is either always opened or always closed.

I am positive. The driver front door is the switch I replaced to try to stop the doors locking and unlocking while I was driving and making the tone. It continue to do it with the new Switch so I unplugged it.

Okay so I pulled apart the rear hatch and I found a plug undone. Doesn't explain the Chimes with the doors but my rear wiper and washer work. Could have sworn I went over it thoroughly the first time but apparently I miss something.

Gotta be a different switch telling it the door is open.

Yes, something is still saying the doors are open.

Maybe the switch you have unplugged needs to be closed, and not open. There’s got to be another switch on the drivers door besides the one that’s unplugged, as well. Does the door striker still have it’s plastic bushing?

I didn't check the bushing but since I fixed the rear window and wiper issue, it's the passenger front door that doesn't chime or turn interior light on. Bingo! Thanks so much for all of your help

No problem, it’s what we are all here for. The bushings can get worn, and effect how the switch is actuated.

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