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Rear wiper


Active Member
February 25, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Kettering UK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
Hi all
After messing around with the rear wiper on and off for ages, I finally got around to searching for a post here about the problem.... The problem was that the rear wiper only cleared half of the rear window, it missed the middle completely....
So I found a post by GIJoecam in the USA and he detailed how to fix it with pictures and everything. So I cut off the offending parts and hey presto it works a treat now.
So a big thanks to GIJoecam for his advice.......:salute: :salute:


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Hi all
After messing around with the rear wiper on and off for ages, I finally got around to searching for a post here about the problem.... The problem was that the rear wiper only cleared half of the rear window, it missed the middle completely....
So I found a post by GIJoecam in the USA and he detailed how to fix it with pictures and everything. So I cut off the offending parts and hey presto it works a treat now.
So a big thanks to GIJoecam for his advice.......:salute: :salute:


My explorer has the same problem. Can you tell me where you found the advice on fixing it??:salute: Thanks!!

funily enough the new door on the back of mine has the same problem, so I've bent the arm to get a better sweep, but it's still missing in the top middle...


Well I think this is a world wide explorer problem, ;) Mine just cleans half of the rear window.......:(

I've actually got no interior trim panel on the back door at the moment and you can see the door flexing when the motor moves which results in the arm lifting away from the glass.... don't know how to stop it...


Thanks for answering that Howard, I had a look but couldn't find it again, but you did, so well done mate ......
As Joe suggested I just cut down the little "fingers" either side of the washer tube (careful not to cut that too....) with my Dremel and it has worked a treat, never missed any of the window since.
Highly recommended modification, free and easy too......


Thanks for answering that Howard, I had a look but couldn't find it again, but you did, so well done mate ......
As Joe suggested I just cut down the little "fingers" either side of the washer tube (careful not to cut that too....) with my Dremel and it has worked a treat, never missed any of the window since.
Highly recommended modification, free and easy too......


Hey I will have to try that out and soon. Is there any other tool I can use for this besides a Dremel??:) :)

Maybe a small hacksaw??? I just used the Dremel coz I had it and it was easy......
I think you would need to remove the wiper arm from the vehicle to use any other tool because there aint much room to work....
Good luck

